Hi! I'm planning on buying an airplane next year and the RV-6 is on my short list. I know that I can fit in a -7 and -8, but the prices for used RV-6s are more in my budget.

Is there someone in the Detroit, Toledo, Indianapolis, or Louisville area that owns one and would be willing to let me try it on for size?

I normally fly out of the Pontiac airport, but travel regularly to Louisville, Kentucky and Indianapolis, Indiana.

Steve Watkins, ATP
Have a 9 project at Louisville, but as you probably know same at a 7 for size.

I have been in a 6 and although slightly smaller, wasn't much and if setup right wouldn't be noticed.
The -6, -7 and -9 are identical in interior dimensions according to the spec pages on vans aircraft. The only diiference is the builder's leg length is fixed on the -6 and can be 3 1/2" longer on the others. It is all about how the interior is finished out. If you must have the other 3 inches, install the almost -14 mod on a well priced -6 and fly on.
They're All Around You

Go to the RV "White Pages" on this site. Do a lookup by model number. Each model is listed by state, with the owner and phone number also listed. You'll likely find several 6's at Pontiac, as well as at nearby Ray Twp. (57D). With a couple of phone calls, you might save yourself a lot of driving.
Terry, CFI