
I'm New Here
So, I got bit by the building bug. I bought the practice kits and a bunch of tools to see if I would enjoy metalworking. Found out that it's absolutely addicting and makes for an amazing change of pace from my stressful day job.

I've recently started renting a DA-40 in Phoenix and we found out that the cockpit visibility makes a world of difference for my girlfriend, who's prone to motion sickness (Dramamine is a no-go, too drowsy inducing). I also very much enjoy the increased visibility as well! I'd love to know if the 12 compares to DA-40 in this regard.

If anyone's got a 12iS in Phoenix, particularly Deer Valley (I'm down the street!), I will 100% buy you some coffee and donuts if we could swing by and take a look at one in-person. Main concern is confirming visibility from the cockpit, but also to see what a finished build or one in-progress looks like.

I convinced myself that I want to build the 12iS, but realized I shouldn't give in until I at least go see one in person.