Is anyone using this? its looks like a nice alternative to an audio panel. But, im not sure how you switch between sources (ie com 1/2 and nav 1/2)

You would need some kind of switch to control a four pole double throw relay which would then make the connections between the selected radio to the audio panel and PTT switch to the radio. One switch/relay setup for the Nav and another for the Com.

You can also use two mixers (One for each Nav/Com) and use a selector switch to apply power only to the one connected to the nav/com you want to use. Problem is that you can't use one nav and the other com at the same time but a lot easier to wire up.

As you can see it is a bit of wiring, but it can be done.

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You need one double throw, double pole switch to swap the mike and PTT lines between com 1/com 2. For 'switching' everything else, just turn up or down the volume controls, like the 1970 era 152s many of us learned to fly in.

BTW, if you are at all handy with a small soldering iron, you can build your own mixer for $5 worth of electronics (connectors may cost a few dollars more). Google 'mixer circuit' and/or 'op amp'.
I bought one but didn't use it.
I bought all TERRA gear; NAV,Comm, ADF, Transponder. Many years ago when it was the lightest, best stuff. (Too bad it took so long to build the plane.)
All of it can be connected together according to TERRA's diagram, so the AP-60 wasn't needed.
I don't have 2 comms tho-. If I did, I would consider the PS engineering PMA 4000 mini audio panel.
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even having to use switches, I would have thought more people would have used (or at least tried) this option for listening to multiple audio sources. maybe there is something else about this that I am missing.
even having to use switches, I would have thought more people would have used (or at least tried) this option for listening to multiple audio sources. maybe there is something else about this that I am missing.

Almost everyone these days wants an intercom, and you can get intercoms with 'unswitched inputs' (a mixer) for little more than the intercom itself.
......... For 'switching' everything else, just turn up or down the volume controls, like the 1970 era 152s many of us learned to fly in......

Are you saying that I could run the 2 nav audio wires straight to the headphone jack (and run the wire from anything else I want to hear straight into my headset)?
No, I did not mean that. Run each wire into a mixer input, and the mixer output to the headphones. I meant that you could use the volume controls instead of switches for on/off.