
Well Known Member
Is anyone using a GPS tracker that reports your position live, like APRS does?

The idea being that you could share a website (or app?) with friends and family that would allow them to see your progress.

Is anyone using a GPS tracker that reports your position live, like APRS does?

The idea being that you could share a website (or app?) with friends and family that would allow them to see your progress.


I use (free) with an Android phone so the spouse can watch flights in my non-APRS equipped biplane. I think they now have an option for iPhone users.
I use the Garmin InReach mini. I clip it to my belt loop with a carabiner and have it on my person at all times when flying. This way, if I ever have a forced landing and need to get away from a burning airplane in a hurry, at least I will have with me the one thing that will guarantee a rescue. PSKs and signal mirrors are fun to carry for old times sake, but there's no arguing with modern GPS location and satcom. Of all the items in my survival kit, the InReach is by far the most important.

I have the subscription that allows a limited number of texts and unlimited "bread crumb" updates every 10 minutes. Tracking is easy to activate, and anyone with your personalized URL can follow your trip progress in real time.

I used to have the SPOT tracker, but switched to the InReach so that I can send and receive actual texts, not just one of 4 pre-determined canned messages. The InReach also has a companion iPhone app that lets me do the texts on my phone instead of on the unit itself.
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good info, thank you

All very good information. I appreciate the comments and if there are other solutions besides the ones that have been mentioned please share it here. I know others (besides me) would like hearing what is being used, good or otherwise.

Aircraft with ADSB Out (non anonymous) can be followed live*using sites/apps like FlightAware.

* in real world testing, there is a delay of a couple of minutes

2-meter ham radio operators have the option of using the FREE APRS system to track their aircrafts. Once you have your amateur radio license, you purchase dedicated equipment for your aircraft for the $300 USD range.
Aircraft with ADSB Out (non anonymous) can be followed live*using sites/apps like FlightAware.

* in real world testing, there is a delay of a couple of minutes

Exactly what I’ve done for the last year and it has worked extremely well. The free account at Flightaware sends you an email minutes after you launch like, “N4EW spotted in flight near Branson, MO at 10:53AM CDT” with a link to your ADSB track on a map and then, ”N4EW tracking stopped near New Braunfels Rgnl (BAZ) at 02:02PM CDT from Branson, MO” when you arrive. This was a VFR flight with no flight following. I have gmail setup to forward emails with “Flightaware Alerts” in the subject line to anyone I want to know my whereabouts.
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No Greenalp for IOS users

Sorry Sam no Greenalp for IOS just Android

(from the Greenalp forum)
I'm really sorry, but there are no plans to create an iPhone version. There is an online tracking tool which works for iPhone too. But it won't store tracks, it shows only the current location of every user in your group. Location of a user will be updated only while s/he is watching the map. As soon as the users leaves the page location updating for that user will be stopped.
I find that flight aware only provides data if planes has 1090es transponder OR you are on filed flight plane OR flight following. Using 978 UAT with mode S sniffing transponder will not produce out put on Flight Aware. This has been my experience YMMV
I use (free) with an Android phone so the spouse can watch flights in my non-APRS equipped biplane. I think they now have an option for iPhone users.

Sorry Sam no Greenalp for IOS just Android

(from the Greenalp forum)
I'm really sorry, but there are no plans to create an iPhone version. There is an online tracking tool which works for iPhone too. But it won't store tracks, it shows only the current location of every user in your group. Location of a user will be updated only while s/he is watching the map. As soon as the users leaves the page location updating for that user will be stopped.

There is an option for iPhone....just not as full-featured as the Android version. :)
I was reading the greenalp website and one thing that I read that kind of threw me was......"usually tracking works only if the tracked phone is connected to the Internet. However, there is one exception. If Internet is not available, you can send a SMS remote command, and the tracker will send back a SMS containing the GPS coordinates..."

The "connected to the internet" wording (to me) suggest that tracking would not work in the air if you were only getting satellite signals and not ground based cellular (data) connection. But the fact that several of you use this in the air, I wonder if the person who wrote the above statement mis-spoke....

I do like that you can control the app somewhat with messaging. And if you can send messages via satellite that is really nice....especially for a free app....

I was reading the greenalp website and one thing that I read that kind of threw me was......"usually tracking works only if the tracked phone is connected to the Internet. However, there is one exception. If Internet is not available, you can send a SMS remote command, and the tracker will send back a SMS containing the GPS coordinates..."

The "connected to the internet" wording (to me) suggest that tracking would not work in the air if you were only getting satellite signals and not ground based cellular (data) connection. But the fact that several of you use this in the air, I wonder if the person who wrote the above statement mis-spoke....

I do like that you can control the app somewhat with messaging. And if you can send messages via satellite that is really nice....especially for a free app....


I usually use the app at low altitudes so broadband service is available. I don't know how high is too high for solid broadband service. This may not be a good app for many users, I just mentioned it because I rolled the dice on the Play Store and it works quite well for me. I leave the map running on the desktop in my home office when flying and my bride can see the biplane roaming around the county (and when I leave the 'drome headed for the house). The app will work the phone battery pretty heavily because it is pinging the network frequently.

The RV has ADS-B out in addition to APRS and Flightaware (free Executive account due to running a PiAware receiver) sends her texts when the RV takes off and lands. There is no hiding with all this stuff running..... ;)
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I usually use the app at low altitudes so broadband service is available. I don't know how high is too high for solid broadband service. This may not be a good app for many users, I just mentioned it because I rolled the dice on the Play Store and it works quite well for me. I leave the map running on the desktop in my home office when flying and my bride can see the biplane roaming around the county (and when I leave the 'drome headed for the house). The RV has ADS-B out in addition to APRS and Flightaware (Executive account due to running a PiAware receiver) sends her texts when the RV takes off and lands. There is no hiding with all that stuff running..... ;)


OK, that makes sense and helps. I did send greenalp an email and will post their reply when I get it.

My how amazing things have progressed since I got me ticket in 1980. I like it.


"Are you SURE you were on the centerline?"

"I asked for a turn (circle) around a point, not a cursive L"

"I did NOT overshoot base to final turn!"

and so it goes...:D:D
I find that flight aware only provides data if planes has 1090es transponder OR you are on filed flight plane OR flight following. Using 978 UAT with mode S sniffing transponder will not produce out put on Flight Aware. This has been my experience YMMV

I?ve heard it?s hit or miss for some but for me, it has worked 100% with the stock Skyview 978 UAT setup with NO flight plan or flight following for the last 3 years.
I’ve heard it’s hit or miss for some but for me, it has worked 100% with the stock Skyview 978 UAT setup with NO flight plan or flight following for the last 3 years.

Most of the times someone posts an issue of not seeing certain flights with FltAware, it boils down to the user settings. Log in with your free account and make sure you have the "SHOW POSITION ONLY FLIGHTS" option selected.

BTW, The SkyView 978 UAT is an ADS-B IN only box so it does not transmit on 978. If you have the DYNON brand transponder, it transmits ADS-B OUT on 1090.

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Now with ADSB Flightaware works pretty well.

If you stand up a Rasberry Pi you can get the free Enterprise account and have unlimited people in your list so you know when all your buddies are flying. It will send you a text.


Just for fun I looked up the Flightaware (not FAA) site that shows the different kind of ADS-b stations and I was really surprised that there are many more PiAware stations that all the other kind combined. Interesting.

Thanks for sharing that....

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I can hear it now....."Whadda mean I busted minimums, no way!"....:confused:


Is anyone using a GPS tracker that reports your position live, like APRS does?

The idea being that you could share a website (or app?) with friends and family that would allow them to see your progress.


Why not just use APRS? It works great and the service is free.

I use (free) with an Android phone so the spouse can watch flights in my non-APRS equipped biplane. I think they now have an option for iPhone users.

I got a reply from Greenalp and they said that the app has to have internet to download the flight to view on a map. Hence based on what I have been told it seems to me that this is more of a data recording device and would not report position "live" while you were in the air.

Is anyone using a GPS tracker that reports your position live, like APRS does?

The idea being that you could share a website (or app?) with friends and family that would allow them to see your progress.

I have the Dynon transponder, so if need be simply refer people to FlightAware or FR24 for live tracking and for historical data, I tend to use ADSBExchange.

Another option if you are confident of cellular coverage is GoogleMaps and the Share location option.
follow me cell aps

I was wondering if the google/Iphone/Ipad mapping apps would work if flights were above cell tower connectivity, i.e. GPS only....

I got a reply from Greenalp and they said that the app has to have internet to download the flight to view on a map. Hence based on what I have been told it seems to me that this is more of a data recording device and would not report position "live" while you were in the air.


No, it definitely reports live much like APRS, my wife has watched me in flight and the little bubble refreshes every few seconds (not sure of the exact interval).

Just try's free...... :)
No, it definitely reports live much like APRS, my wife has watched me in flight and the little bubble refreshes every few seconds (not sure of the exact interval).

Just try's free...... :)

Greenalp definitely requires a cell connection OR internet availability. I cannot explain what your wife is seeing, but I can say with 100% cofidence that a cellular or internet connection is required for an up to the minute position.

For further information:
Click "Can the tracker send the location without internet connection?"
Greenalp definitely requires a cell connection OR internet availability. I cannot explain what your wife is seeing, but I can say with 100% cofidence that a cellular or internet connection is required for an up to the minute position.

For further information:
Click "Can the tracker send the location without internet connection?"

I agree, and that is what I stated in one of my earlier posts (#17) about the app. I'm not trying to promote this app....wish I had never mentioned it so I could continue to use it in anonymity.... ;) I just wanted to offer the OP another option for his original inquiry.

I think this discussion has gotten garbled somewhere.
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I agree, and that is what I stated in one of my earlier posts (#17) about the app. I'm not trying to promote this app....wish I had never mentioned it so I could continue to use it in anonymity.... ;) I just wanted to offer the OP another option for his original inquiry.

I think this discussion has gotten garbled somewhere.

I've learned a lot about choices that I did not know exist and I appreciate the posts. I am 90% done and 90% to go on my RV6A build and I am just trying learn about what folks are using.
