I was browsing around and found they have a retract step that I thought would be cool and easy to retrofit in my 10 (rivetting Fuse/Tailcone). I wonder if there is any performance measurable increase in it. Even 1-2mph would be pretty cool (Hey, that less load on the motor able to go the same speed for less fuel :)


I did some searching here in the forums and found poeple weren't all that thrilled about Hendrick's flush door latch....
Hendricks door latch

I don't recall seeing any negative feedback on Hendricks latches other than the price point which I didn't find to be out of line given the skill and tooling required to produce them. I installed them in my doors and love them. when used with the rivethead aero door pins my doors close easily, plus I like being able to lock my doors Most importantly they look cool. Perhaps the negative opinions were from folks who have never actually installed them.
Don Orrick