I looked into these several years ago. My research lead me to the conclusion that they aren't very effective. I never got any positive feed back.
There is a guy around here that has one in a -4, but I keep forgetting to ask him how it works. I tend to agree with your conclusion Mel, but it's getting cool up here!
Electric heaters are terrible. I had one in a glasair. 35 amp heater and I froze in winter. I now have a heat muff on one of my header pipes and it is nice and warm. Don't go with electric heat.
Saturday, one of my friends was looking at my -3 with the cowl and cover behind it both off. He suggested that it would be really easy to take the warm air from the exit of the baffle-mounted oil cooler and duct it into the side cheek and then cut a whole from the cheek into the cockpit. This would tend to eliminate any chance of getting gassed by a leaky exhaust. Problems???

Bill Newkirk
Saturday, one of my friends was looking at my -3 with the cowl and cover behind it both off. He suggested that it would be really easy to take the warm air from the exit of the baffle-mounted oil cooler and duct it into the side cheek and then cut a whole from the cheek into the cockpit. This would tend to eliminate any chance of getting gassed by a leaky exhaust. Problems???

Bill Newkirk

That would work, but there is no oil cooler on my 0-235. :eek: It is not needed.

I have vent tubes trough the "cheeks" on both sides. I'm gonna add an exhaust muff and an airbox.
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