
I evacuated from Angleton to Fort Worth for the storm with my entire family (wife, kids, inlaws and dogs). Before we drive the 5+ hours back down, I was wondering if any RVers wanted to fly me down to Brazoria County Airport (LBX) and back for a recon mission once the storm clears out. Basically want to get a quick assesment of my and my inlaws houses in Angleton so we can make other plans if needed. I am not even sure how soon after the storm they will let GA in or even if this is possible, but thought I would see if anyone is interested.

(Formally of Fort Worth, now Houston Area)
I don't know much about hurricans, but I assume after one there may be TFR's to allow officials time to do search & rescue and storm damage assessments. This might not be the best time to fly. After tornados here in the midwest they usually slap on a TFR for a couple of days, but tornados are pretty localized storms.

Let us know how you come out. I wish you, your family, and your property well.
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Yep...TFR in place (for awhile at least)


Yep, looks like a TFR to me.. I feel your concern, but it is best to let the professionals do what they have to do. During operations in New Orleans, it was nice to know we had open skies (restricted airspace) to complete our air evacuation mission. Thanks for posting your message, as there are air assets all around the country on alert ready to fly into the hurricane damage zone.

Fozzie (RV-8 complete, building a RV-7) USAFR
Read the NOTAM, and it is impressive what they are doing! They're basically blocking off the area to allow air refueling ops (I am assuming for helicopters) - all below the 5,000 ceiling on the airspace!

I am betting that they closed off much more than they need initially, and then will open up as they figure out what they actually have to use.

We can offer an empty seat from 52F back to KCLL, (when we go retrieve the Valkyrie and Mikey) maybe tomorow - depends on when the weather gets good. Farther south than that will depend on teh TFR.
