
Well Known Member
So I just received my Orders today and it looks like I will be stationed at Ft. Lewis Washington starting Feb. of next year. Are there any builders who can give me some insight on the possibility of building my Fuse while I'm out there. I am pretty excited to be located so close to vans now tho, maybe shipping prices wont be so high anymore.

I am branched transportation but do not have my unit yet So I do not have too many details as of now.

Thanks alot for you help,

EAA Chapter 326 is located at Pierce County Thun Field (KPLU). We are close to Ft Lewis/McChord and have several members in the military. We are also a hugh RV building chapter with 60+ RVs either flying or being built. PM me and I'll given you my phone # & email so you can contact me when you arrive

Our chapter website is
