
Well Known Member
Still looking to see if anyone has ever put a aerobatic(racheting) harness in an RV specificly a RV-8. Would appreciate ANY info on how it was done of course a pic is a 1000 words so those would be nice but not absolutely have to have a good description will work also.
My answer aerobatic harness install

Well I got my hookers and figured a way to mount them and thought Id post this so if someone else searches for this its here. Anyone see anything wrong with my mounting? besides the lack of nuts on the bolts, we are not ready to install for good yet.

finish kit
opps no pics

well I thought I knew how to do this but I guess not, resized the pics and all but no pics will upload...any pointers? :confused:
Aerobatic Harness

I suggest you contact Danny King, Beautiful Doll RV-8 -- his contact info is listed in the member area. I know he has the Hooker Harness with ratchet system.

ok Ill try this again, I was not done picking up rivets when I took this pic, but I did end up picking up the 3 rivets that tie into the 3/4 3/4 angle on the floor rib. I think this will be plenty strong. I have redundant belts, hardware and to some extent hard point. I mean you have to draw the line somewhere, you could say well if that bracket fails........well if my spar fails then what? oh yeh Im a skydiver too so plan B would be next. :)
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Aerobatic harness hard points

Well I got the idea on doing this pic thing, pretty cool and very easy. So here is my version of how I think a double seat belt should be put in. I dont think Van would have done it any different since I basicly just copied his original hard point. Any one with comments? I did have to enlarge the holes in the seat to let the adjusting strap fit through it but other than that I think its bout perfect. I am curious now as to if you remove some of the padding on the seat back foam you get from vans, so that the seat bottom cushion fits back better. Anyone with how too on this or pics?
Aerobatic Harness Update?

I like this method of attaching a harness, now does anyone have a good (cheap) source for the seat belt and ratchet?
I like this method of attaching a harness, now does anyone have a good (cheap) source for the seat belt and ratchet?

Yeah Ron, come to the Boogie in the spring and buy a bunch of raffle tickets for the Hooker harness...your chances will be pretty good. :)

The idea behind the dual lap belts in a true aerobatic installation is that each attach point is to be attached to a completely different structural member in the fuse such that if there was a failure of one seat belt anchor point, the other one would still hold. In a rag and tube bipe like the Pitts or Eagle, each seat belt attach point is attached to a completely different structural member (tube) so that the loads are spread between two points. Looks like both of your attach points tie into the same structural member. That being said, I doubt you are gonna fly this thing like tucker, with a lot of (if any) outside pushes - where the belt attach points are pushed the hardest - so I'd say looks ok:)
The idea behind the dual lap belts in a true aerobatic installation is that each attach point is to be attached to a completely different structural member in the fuse such that if there was a failure of one seat belt anchor point, the other one would still hold. In a rag and tube bipe like the Pitts or Eagle, each seat belt attach point is attached to a completely different structural member (tube) so that the loads are spread between two points. Looks like both of your attach points tie into the same structural member. That being said, I doubt you are gonna fly this thing like tucker, with a lot of (if any) outside pushes - where the belt attach points are pushed the hardest - so I'd say looks ok:)

The single structural member in the above pictures is VERY robust and a different attach point is used, so I'm comfortable with doing inverted flight with it. Probably will never see more than two G's inverted. I just want a belt with a ratchet on it to keep me firmly in the seat. I think a two-ship mirror roll (canopy to canopy) would be a great addition to our show!

PS: Whelen just sent us a dozen smoke lights. Would a 12-ship twilight show trip your trigger?