
Well Known Member
Just checking if anyone was selected to be a beta tester and might have the 5.0 software.

If you have it, please share - the entire -0012, -0013, -0112, and -0113 community needs it!

Yes, we would be using it at our own risk in whatever state it is in - I don't know where in the FAA process its approval is either.
From another NavWorx owner(name protected), I did get a newer manual dated 4/29/17.

Leaves hope that the software is out there somewhere!
Just checking if anyone was selected to be a beta tester and might have the 5.0 software.

If you have it, please share - the entire -0012, -0013, -0112, and -0113 community needs it!

Yes, we would be using it at our own risk in whatever state it is in - I don't know where in the FAA process its approval is either.

Do you know what the latest previously approved software was? Is it 4.1.0? I am curious what 5.0 was supposed to do. It appears that anonymous mode for 1200 was locked out for 4.1.0, is that correct or do I have something set-up wrong?
4.1 is the latest version released for the -0012, -0112, -0013, and -0113 devices.

I think the 5.6.2 is the latest for the -EXP boxes.

The 5.0 for the -0012, -0112, -0013, and -0113 devices was supposed to fix anonymous mode as well as provide functionality to the second display port in conjunction with remediating the AD by disabling the SIL with the internal GPS for the -0012, and -0013 devices.

The 6.0 software was supposed to remediate the AD for the -EXP boxes in conjunction with a hardware upgrade (dog-house add-on).
For the EXP box, software 6.0 was supposed to take the SIL value down to zero. Then software 7.0 was supposed to work with the doghouse GPS to bring it back up to 3.

I just got a note from the FAA responding to an earlier query....

The 5.0 software IS traversing through the FAA Approval process.
I offered our collective ability to provide beta-test data if needed to support their approval decision.

I wish we could somehow convince Bill to continue working with the FAA (I am assuming that he is) to provide a future for the certified and AMOC holding operators of his product line.

A glimmer of hope!
Ralph, I got a NW600EXP that's now moved from the air frame to the junk drawer. I chose the Dallas Avionics offer on an ECHO. Was wondering if you were able to do anything with the Transmon. Think you were trying to get a transponder to interface. I see there is still a void for software 5.0 and 7.0 . You think the EXP will ever be of any value?
note to Echo Fix purchasers

Note: just had a conversation today with an RV owner in PHX who opened his uAvionix box from Dallas Avionics. It contained a monopole antenna that he did not order but was missing the one page quick start guide. I scanned my quick start pages and sent them via email. I called Miguel at the Dallas office to let him know the customer would be calling in. I suggested that he swap the customer the monopole antenna for an adapter that he will need. His 600B box did not use SMA antenna connectors. Dallas is stocking the adapter needed to convert to SMA for those that equipped their experimental aircraft with the "certified" Navworx 600B unit. So, if anyone else is missing something, let either Miguel know at the home office, or me at this forum address, and we will make it right.
Ralph, I got a NW600EXP that's now moved from the air frame to the junk drawer. I chose the Dallas Avionics offer on an ECHO. Was wondering if you were able to do anything with the Transmon. Think you were trying to get a transponder to interface. I see there is still a void for software 5.0 and 7.0 . You think the EXP will ever be of any value?

Dennis - I'm trying to get my SL-70 to transmit squawk and altitude to the ADS600B. The 'wired' interface only works at 9600baud - which takes out my MX-20. I got a cable for the TransMon but haven't been able to get it to send anything from the SL-70 to the ADS600B. I think it is relying on the transponder to be interrogated - which doesn't happen where I am unless I fly. I'll have to rig it up and go fly to test it to see if it is a long-term solution. I have a sliver of hope for the 5.0 software as it can be used without a hardware upgrade if you have an AMOC (like I do). The EXP boxes are usable for in only unless you get a hardware upgrade - little or no long term solutions in sight!
Ralph, I got a NW600EXP that's now moved from the air frame to the junk drawer. I chose the Dallas Avionics offer on an ECHO. Was wondering if you were able to do anything with the Transmon. Think you were trying to get a transponder to interface. I see there is still a void for software 5.0 and 7.0 . You think the EXP will ever be of any value?

It may be of some value as a ADS-B receiver. I've got a global AMOC to disable the ADS600-EXP UAT and use it as a receive-only unit. This would obviously only be of value to someone who only wanted a receiver or had an independent, ADS-B out device such as the skyBeacon (which I happen to have!). I'm hoping to hear soon on whether the AMOC is approved or not. If anyone's interested, follow the "NavWorx ADS600-EXP AMOC Disable UAT" thread in this same forum.