
Well Known Member
Has anyone ever done business with a company called the Pilot Store located at the Dupage Co Airport. I got a gift certificate at Christmas for this store, placed an order over the phone, called back once to check on the order, but have received nothing. Now every time I call their number I can only get a answering machine. Is the place still in business or just poor service? Thanks
Has anyone ever done business with a company called the Pilot Store located at the Dupage Co Airport.

I've ordered POH's for various aircraft I fly from them several times. Always the best price by far, never had any problems.
I live about 5 miles from DPA. I went to buy a few sectionals several weeks ago and the store was closed at 11 O'clock in the morning. There was no sign on the door indicating that they were out of business and there was inventory on the shelves.

Could just be that the owners walked away from the place. There is an American Flyer's Flight School right next door. You might want to call them and see if the store is still open for business. Otherwise I'll stop over there the next time I'm in the area.
I had the same experience with Pilot Store

One year ago I ordered some Canadian Charts, after I called and spoke with someone there. I submitted my order and nothing happened. I ran across another address that was near the Pilot Store and phoned that business to see whether they knew if the Pilot Store was still in business. They confirmed in the positive that they were in business. I never received my charts.

I will never try them again.