
For those who are not electronically inclined, dealing with the electrical system can seem a little overwhelming. If you're not sure how to get started, need help sifting thru all the options, or just need a little coaching, I may be able to lend a hand.

I'm an RV-7 builder (just started wings) with a lot of experience in electrical systems and looking for builders in the Southern California area who want a little help with their electrical systems. I've got the necessary tools, expertise, & experience to help you build a safe & reliable electrical system.

"What's this gonna cost me?" I hear you ask. How about nothing, nada, zip? (Well, maybe a beer or two at the end of the day or a ride in your new airplane.) The point is that I really enjoy herding electrons and want to do it more, so at least for a while, I plan to provide service free of charge and help builders get airplanes in the air.

Please feel free to reply to this post or directly.

Jeff Luckey
[email protected]
Jeff, I wish you were closer to where I am! I am ready to buy my panel, but freaking out about the electrical and the hookup. I bought the VP Sport to reduce the wiring and switches, but still it is an undertaking I am not sure I am up to. Maybe I can just send you questions!!

If you are ever in the Glenwood Springs CO or Caldwell ID area, let me know!

Best of luck finding a project. It is a very generous offer you have made that I am sure someone in southern CA will be happy take you up on!
You Made My Day

I had just read about a couple of avoidable accidents and was feeling a bit down about aviation. Your post was just what the doctor ordered. Now I remember one of the things I like so much about our hobby - it's the people.
Terry, CFI

"..but freaking out about the electrical.."

Remain calm. Everything is going to be OK. You can certainly send me questions and of course this forum may be an even better resource - lot's of concentrated expertise here.

I'm curious how you made the decision to go with the VP Sport? Since you are a self-described electrical newbie, I'd like to know what was the deciding factor to buy VP.

David - I'm based at KSNA

To all who PM'd or Emailed - I will respond to each before the weekend.


I'm aware of the EFII Bus Manager but have not seen an installation - would like to see its wiring diagrams.

I'd be happy to help w/ the complete electrical system design/schematic - the design is the most fun for me. It seems like you are on the right track w/ Aerolectric Connection - you may end up with some sort of hybrid of some of Bob's drawings.

Shoot me an email when you get closer to putting your design pencil to paper. If you run into questions before that, I'll do my best to answer them.
Based on some interesting feedback that I have received, I thought I would share some of my basic design philosophy.

The mission is not to criticize nor proselytize any particular technology. When I sit down to design a system, no matter what the application, I begin with a set of design goals. Then I look at several solutions which achieve those goals. Then pick a solution that best meets my design criteria.

When designing an electrical system for a small experimental aircraft here are some of the design goals I think are important. The system should be:

1. Able to tolerate failure of any single component and terminate flight without an emergency
2. Reliable
3. Easy to operate
4. Easy to repair/maintain
5. Use standard components that are readily-available from multiple sources
6. Cost effective

Have I missed any? What do you think?

Just give us a call if you have any questions about VP stuff.
