
Well Known Member
Hello everyone,

Hoping to get some help from a great group of people. Here's my dilemma....I need a PROFESSIONAL looking website built, preferably in MS FrontPage.

I have a sideline company (in addition to my full-time job with Honeywell) that manufactures products for Kawasaki Mule utility vehicles. The company is growing at astonishing rates, and my current website is WAY behind the times, so to speak. I bought a cheesy little "do-it-yourself" software program that has been sufficient, but it is terribly difficult to update. You can see this "masterpiece" at utvproducts.com. I need something that is real, real professional looking and can grab the attention of my customers. 90% of my clients are Kawasaki dealers, and the other 10% are the general public. I'd sure like to increase my retail (public) sales, since the profits are obviously much higher by selling retail. I figured I would ask here on the forums first, before I sought people online and/or in the phone book. I'd be willing to negotiate a fair price for someone to do it, which would in turn, give you some cash-ola for your project :D I am not rich by any means, and I am saving for a QB to finish my -9. So if we could determine a fair price for a fairly simple site (albeit it professional looking), I'd welcome any input/offers. Here are the basic requirements:

* FrontPage as the software. I bought the program and plan to take some classes on it at the local college, to do future site updates.
* Probably 8-9 "pages". One main page, two different pages for our two products, a few additional photo pages, a testimonial page, a contact page, etc. NO advertising by others, and no online credit card / shopping cart stuff.
* I took an HTML class during my undergrad, and man I wish I would have paid more attention! I understand the methodology, but MS Frontpage gives you squat for instructions!
* I can supply high-res photos, our logo (being developed now), etc.

I just want something that when a potential customer sees it, it just "screams professional".

If anyone is interested, please send me a PM. I think it would be a win-win for both of us.

Thanks in advance,
I need some serious web help as well, for my high pressure air services business. I've got a copy of Front Page, what I don't have is time to learn it and rehab my site. I'm willing to pay a decent price for good service.
Front Page is super easy to use. I used to run a website built with Front Page. I think I had over 100 pages in it and lots and lots of pictures. Ah...the memories :)
I built my Webiste using a mask...

that I purchased online. I am no computer genius by any means but it wasn't to hard once you get the hang of it. I also use FP to update and add stuff all the time which is easy to do. Not sure how "professional" it looks but I get lots of compliments on it: http://lonestarwatches.com/
There are all different styles available to fit your particular needs, and they are pretty inexpensive.
Only one small glitch...

I work for the "Dark Side" aka Microsoft. We have stopped making Frontpage and will eventually stop supporting it. That doesn't mean you can't use it just that it is not very up to date. You might want to ask the developer to consider using Expression Web from Microsoft (it is a very cool tool that automates lots of things that you would have had to do manually in FP. You can even download a free trial.



RV8 (440TT)
txaviator said:
I need a PROFESSIONAL looking website built, preferably in MS FrontPage.

Just wanted to point out that Professional and MS FrontPage are pretty much mutually exclusive. :D
Go with Standards

I'm a retired webmaster and I'm not looking for work. But here is my two cents worth. Use MS-FP if you like, it's an OK tool. There are also many others. HOWEVER, be sure you avoid the places where MS includes stuff that only works in MS's Internet Explorer browser. It is not hard to test this: download a free copy of either SeaMonkey and/or Firefox from mozilla.org and use it as part of your testing. Opera's browser is also a test worth doing. It just does not make good sense to use IE specific stuff on a website intended for the entire world to see.

Your 8-9 pages is not a complex nor difficult assignment. Don't make it any more complicated than it needs to be. If you define your goals first and then ask yourself for each page and feature if that supports the goal, then you will likely be OK.

I suggest you avoid pop-ups and especially Active-X. Active-X does slick stuff that nothing else will do. Unfortunately, some of what it can do is dangerous and almost all security-aware users will have blocked Active-X components for that reason.

When it comes to hosting, you may want, again, to avoid stuff that is only for MS. FP lets you "publish" without understanding what you are doing. But I suggest you isolate page design from publishing. There are many free or inexpensive FTP programs that let you drag and drop your pages when they are ready to be published (placed on the public viewable web server). First, set up a test site somewhere. Be cautious with filenames because Windows is not case sensitive, but Unix is. Unix/Linux is the web server operating system for many hosts. In my humble opinion it makes no sense to limit yourself to MS web servers even if you happen to choose one for the moment. If your HTML "code" correctly refers to the filename with respect to capitalization you should be OK, but a safer practice is to use all lower case (be careful of Windows's tendency to captalize the first letter for you).

Here is an example of a nice website that unfortunately uses MS-specific stuff. The link is to a page that does not work right in Mozilla browsers.
Barrington is getting support from Microsoft, so it's not surprising that the site doesn't work right in other browsers.

Lastly, if you want a little free advice now and then, feel free to email or PM. Good luck.
Shameless Plug

And Expression Web looks very much like FP. Just consider it an upgrade. If you can use FP, you'll have no problem with Expression.

(Also on the Dark Side...but they let me drive the Death Star on Thursday's!)
Thank you!

Thanks everyone, for all of your emails, replies, and private messages.

I have located a company to do the new website, thanks to this forum.

Again, I appreciate your advice and offers. :)

Take care,