
Well Known Member
I am interested in an RV7 located currently at KLKU in Virginia and wondering if there is anyone in the group that is located somewhat close that would be willing to put eyes on this plane for me before I spend the considerable time and money to fly out there from Utah to check it out.

It appears to be a nice example of a well build RV7 but the owner wasn't the builder and knows very little technically about the plane. I don't need a full prebuy as I will do that myself but would like to find someone with some experience building and maintaining an RV that can tell me if this is an example of solid RV7 with good build quality.

I'm perfectly happy to buy some 100LL and/or mogas to mozy out, take a look and provide feedback.
I'm here

I am based at LKU.
I'm at the airport several times a week.
I do not know of an RV7 for sale here.
Be glad to help you with a look see or anything else I can do to help.
Bob Martin
804-641-3739 cell/text.
Curious I was.....I looked at barnstormers and found the RV7 for sale.
Tim is a friend of mine or I thought he was....
He never mentioned the sale. :-(
I do know the plane.
Thanks to all who replied. I have lined up someone to take a look. Thanks again...what a great community!