
I got this with some other parts in the "bag 'o stuff" with my plane but I can't figure out what it is.
Someone here has to know what it to share?




I got this with some other parts in the "bag 'o stuff" with my plane but I can't figure out what it is.
Someone here has to know what it to share?



View attachment 56722

View attachment 56720
The symmetrical irregular cutouts on the sides of the base MUST be the key to answering this question. The knob screwing down to hold the upper swing-out down tightly indicates that this is not an item where speed to open it up is necessary. It also appears there is space between the inner section between the upper movable piece and the inner area of the base yet the mounting holes on the base are countersunk. Interesting.
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The symmetrical irregular cutouts on the sides of the base MUST be the key to answering this question. The knob screwing down to hold the upper swing out tightly indicates that this is not an item where speed to open it up is necessary. It also appears there is space between the inner section between the upper movable piece and the inner area of the base yet the mounting holes on the base are countersunk. Interesting.
Looks to be a device to hold wire loom on your table while you're fabricating your harnesses.
Hmmm...I noticed that when the top is closed there appears to be a "shearing" action between the thicker portion of the top and the higher inside edges of the bottom piece.
Good guess but that's not where I'd clamp my wire loom.
I'm stumped.
Maybe the folks at Cleaveland Tool have an idea?
I can see that it is an over center latch of some sorts. Long shot but maybe a home made canopy lock for a slider RV :unsure: