
Well Known Member
Not sure if this is one of my hangar mates messing with me, or if something fell off my engine - anyone know what this might be for? It's a tiny o-ring, but can't quite see where it might go. It was sitting right below my engine.
Thanks for any tips!

Fuel tank drain o-ring that maybe rolled fwd? Mine are blue (from Spruce) but that is the only thing I can remember with that size of an o-ring.
If it was under you engine, it rolled there. If it fell off your engine, it would have rolled under your AMC Gremlin or lawn mower. Looks like a anti-slide donut that came off eye-glass harness or boat bag, etc.
It is about the right outside diameter for a fuel drain o-ring, but too thick. (too small an inside diameter).

Somehow I don't think that came from your airplane, but it does nag at you, doesn't it?
Is it intact, or split/broken?

I found one about that size in the wing root during the last inspection...turned out to be it was a (broken) o-ring that was used on the two halves of the plastic housing on the Princeton Electronics C-to-V converter that went on the BNC connector for the capacitive fuel level sensors' plastic two-piece housing.

That's the only thing I can think of remotely that small anywhere on my airplane.
It probably belongs to the STi.....you're better off without it. In any case its too small to be of any significance Mickey, keep flying until something really big falls off or something important blows up, then you will be able to track it down easily :)