BCP Boys

Well Known Member
Not being the builder I have moment that I wish that I built my plane and not just bought flying... and then I think about the fact that I fly 2 to 3 times per week and that feeling goes away :p

No but seriously, has anyone used this fuel flow before? Makes me nervous that I don't know who makes it and don't know much about it. Plus I'm about to upgrade my panel and need to know if I have to purchase a new fuel flow too if my new engine monitor does not support this.

Thank you so much. Never knew what the heck that was.
Add that to the number of "stupid" questions that I have asked and will continue to ask :D Always learning.
No stupid questions

Nice job on the wiring.

There are no stupid questions in any flying activity just lessons to be learned
Looks like brake lines - and also looks like they are zip tied to the engine mount. Thats asking for trouble.
Inevitably, when you post a FWF pic here you will get some friendly advice and observations.
I would lose the zip ties or protect the mount under them with silicon tape or other non-fretting material.
Your oil breather line should terminate closer to the exhaust and be cut at a forward angle. It also appears to be missing the "whistle stop" hole which helps keep the breather line open if by chance the end freezes over.
The loops in the brake lines are not really necessary. There isn't any, or very little, relative mothion between the Buckhead fittings and where the line enters the top of the gear leg at the gear leg mount. I wouldn't hassle with changing them now though. I don't think it will hurt.

Alway, my humble opinion only.
Yup they are brake lines and no I do not mind any advice, as a matter of fact I welcome it. As I said, I am not the builder and have never built one. I will one day when the kids get out of college and my life slows down a bit but I'm at a point in my life where my free time is spent with my family or I'm flying. I'm sure that will change when we become empty nesters so for now I will enjoy flying a fine built airplane. I've been told by many RV builders that my -7 is one of the best built they've seen but no one is perfect and the last time the builder touched this plane was 2007. I've had it for almost 3 years and put about 300 on it so far, for a TT of just under 900 hrs. It's been a great plane but it's time to update the panel . . . thus the reason why we got to fuel flow.

In regards to the brake lines I do not plan on changing them since they've been flawless for 900 hours (knock on wood) but I will take your advice and lose the zip ties and protect those lines with something else.
pulsation damper purpose?

Flowscan pulsation damper.
Now this is interesting. Due to space limitations, my fuel flow sensor is located between my Facet interrupter-type boost pump and my mechanical fuel pump (carbureted engine). When I turn on the boost pump, my indicated fuel flow increases by 15% or so. I wonder if installing one of those pulsation dampers on the outlet of the Facet pump would fix that. For only $30, it might be worth a try... Your thoughts?
I see those brake lines and wires are not running along in contact with the motor mount. There is a zip tie between the line and the tube acting as a stand off. I think it's OK, and a very light weight solution. Adel clamps are the standard, but something better/lighter/cheaper is, well, Better/lighter/cheaper!
I'm willing to listen to other opinions on this tho-.
I see those brake lines and wires are not running along in contact with the motor mount. There is a zip tie between the line and the tube acting as a stand off. I think it's OK, and a very light weight solution. Adel clamps are the standard, but something better/lighter/cheaper is, well, Better/lighter/cheaper!
I'm willing to listen to other opinions on this tho-.

Scott, there have been reports of the zip ties grinding through the paint and damaging the mount tubes, thus the recommendation for a cushion between the ties and the mount. I guess he, Amir, will inspect and find the locations where the paint is worn and replace those first. 900 hrs is a good test of that theory, so hopefully we will get a report. They don't look too bad from the picture.