
Well Known Member
I'm looking to replace my Garmin 300 XL in my 6A with a newer GPS/Comm, hopefully a GNC 355. I have the Garmin tied in to the HS 34 and it works great, but has horizontal guidance only. I asked Dynon about compatibility and although the manual implies that the D100 with the HS 34 will show vertical guidance on the HSI with a WAAS GPS, they no longer have any personnel there with first hand experience to verify this will work. I'd like to update, but not much purpose in it if the interface won't function properly for the HSI.

I'm searching to see if anyone has installed a WAAS GPS to a panel with a D100 and HS 34 to see if the D100 HSI shows both vertical and horizontal guidance using the ARINC-429 input from the HS 34. A Garmin 400W or 430/530 (or similar) if not a 300 series such as the GNC 355 or GNX 375. Just looking to see that the ARINC input shows the glide path on the HSI, as well as feedback on the AP functionality.

thanks for any help
I suggested the Dynon Forum on your last post, I went and dug up the threads I used from the forum, lots of data that points you down the path as well as suggestions from the actual Dynon D100/D10 service person saying they had not tested the 175, 355 or 375 ARINC function but the GTN series work the same and the others use the same communication type so they should too.

Thanks for the input. I did go the the threads on the Dynon site you mentioned, but seeing as they now do not have the experience in house on the D100, and are unwilling to commit that the HSI will show vertical guidance, I was additionally soliciting to see if there is anyone in the community who has actually installed a WAAS GPS and has the glide path functioning on the HSI. The folks at Dynon are interested also as they say they have gotten a number of inquiries along this path. Some good info on the Dynon threads, but nobody actually says they have completed the installation and testify to its performance.
Tim I spent a few months researching and actually wiring the HS34 and GNC355 for my light sport. I was able to talk to Dynon on the phone and get confirmation the 355 would work (the old engineers were still there at this time 2019 early 2020). The confirmed that the GTN650/750 and 430 would work and that the communication for the 175, 355, 375 over ARINC matched the GTN series, with full communication and display and that the 430 would get it's Nav to GP trigger from the HS34 selector button.

I think the reason you dont get the glide slope on the 300 is because it's not a WAAS navigator and the only way you can get a GPS Glide Slope is with a WAAS unit. Could be way off, but I really dont think I am.

Again, I never completed the install, but I did a lot of research, I mean for a couple months before I spent the $6K on the 355. It is true the AP will not track vertical guidance no matter what, but you can still manually manage the AP decent to stay on GP.

Continue at your own risk, but I was comfortable enough to spend the money and start the work. Sold the plane for an RV before I completed, then sold the 355 since the RV already had a IFR GPS.
Found my file

So I found my files of research and an email from Dynon was in it. shoot me an email address and I'll get you all the stuff I have. I even have a wiring diagram from Dynon for the 175 (same ARINC data lines).
Similar thread on here last week and the answer is yes the D100 will provide vertical guidance. I have D100, HS34, and GNX375 and it works fine. My AP is TruTrak and it flies fully coupled approaches do not know about the embedded Dynon AP but the HSI works. Vertical guidance is also displayed on the EFIS screen. The HS34 source select button works fine also if you have another nav source (I have a SL30 and a handheld connected) and drives the HSI as required.
I started with the connection diagrams for the 175 on the Dynon forum