
I'm New Here
I'm thinking about purchasing an RV-4 and was wondering if anyone in the Southeast would mind giving me a ride in one to see if I like it. I'm currently an Active Duty Instructor in the T-6 Texan II, but I am almost done flying that and it's onto something bigger next. I don't know if I'm ready to let go of the aerobatics and formation flying so I'm thinking about picking up an RV-4. Wish I could trade rides and offer a ride in the T-6, but that's next to impossible these days! :)

Gas money goes without saying and an 18+ year old bottle of Scotch may or may not be left on the seat after we land! Thanks guys!

Send me a PM (or find me on the global) and we'll hook you up down the Florida Panhandle (Eglin).


Wilco Vac! I do appreciate it!

I could easily score a weekend cross-country to Eglin so I'll give you a shout on the global!
If your ever in the NC area I would be glad to give you a ride in a RV6. I live near CLT but could meet you anywhere reasonably close. Email me at Sailvi767 if interested.

RV-4 in NC

If in the Winston-Salem NC area, I can give a ride in my -4 It is based at Twin Lakes, 8A7.
RV4 ride

Dan, we'll be practicing for an up coming aerobatic contest on the weekends (mainly Saturdays) at Brewton, AL (12J). I have a RV4 modified for aerobatics. However, I will not do aerobatics with a passenger in the -4 even with chutes. The aft CG makes it danerous except for minimum G maneuvers with airspeed (clearing below the exception). It's a completely different flying aircraft with a passenger with very light pitch pressures. Also my weight limit for a passenger is 185 lb, and not an ounce over that. If you're interested, best to use my regular e-mail ([email protected]) since I don't check the PMs as often.

Bill McLean
RV-4 Slider
Daleville, AL