
I'm New Here
I'm currently working through my getting my private pilot certificate and I'm very interested in buying a Vans RV-6A. Being so new I'm sure I've got a long process ahead of me so I'm starting early. I'm a tall guy (6'3") so before I fly across the country to look at a plane for sale I was wondering if there were any Vans 6 or 6A owners in my general area that would be willing to let me see their plane and possibly sit in it to get an idea of how well I will or won't fit. If you wanna take me for a short flight I won't protest and will pay for gas.

I live in Buda (South of Austin) and willing to drive a ways.

I believe the Plane Talk Hanger guys in Lockhart have a 6A. See the latest Sport Aviation for an article about them. First or second hanger on the right after entering the airport.
RV-6 at HYI

Just to let you know, I have an RV-6 at HYI (that's for sale, by the way). The cockpit is the same size as the A model, of course, and you are welcome to take a look without having to drive quite so far.

I'll be happy to take you for a ride, but let me offer a well-intentioned warning:

The RV grin is almost impossible to ignore once you've worn it . . .
