
If anyone has an 8 in the Palm Beach or Broward area I would love to get a close up look at it! Thanks in advanced.

Moderators: Please don't delete this or move it to the Florida seems to visit that page very often.
Love To Show

You my RV8, it's mostly done with about half again more to do to get it in the air. I'm in Palm Beach Gardens, likely in the garage/hanger all day today and most weekends. Drop a line and we can coordinate.:)
Bud, I would love to come see your RV. Happy to lend a hand in anyway I can. How is next weekend? Do you work on it during the week?

Hi Sven,

I think we tried to connect a couple months back but it didn't work out.

I'll be moving to the Wellington Aero Club (just West of West Palm) on 1 Aug and have my -8 with me at the house.

You are welcome to come by anytime.
