I'm headed up to Aurora Friday so my step-son can attend a wedding on Saturday. Is there any flying planned for Saturday? Yes, I know it is the weekend after OSH and everyone needs to clean their RV, but my oil is changed and I'm ready to fly. :)
Any excuse...

I am out of town on business returning very, very early Saturday AM so not sure what my condition will be but you might want to throw something out to JB and maybe the local Raven group can organize a practice? Just a thought.
Chapter 902 is flying Young Eagles at Mulino Saturday morning, running until we run out of kids. Mulino is a few miles east of Aurora., We'll be starting about 9:30. We could use more planes & pilots.

Come & help; fun is guaranteed!
Had a great time!

As always, thank you for the wonderful Oregon hospitality!

This was only my stepson, Mike's, second trip in the RV. We arrived Aurora Friday and Guss gave Mike the full tour. (For some odd reason, Mike didn't realize our RV was as homebuilt as it is until he walked around Vans.) Thanks Guss.

Saturday I flew over to Mulino to fly a couple Young Eagles. I am very sorry I didn't fly more, but I had double booked myself.

I was very surprised to see an old friend, one of the original six-pack of SoCal. It was great visiting. I'm sorry we didn't get to visit more.

After flying the two wonderful teens I joined the Home flight for a 5-ship formation practice. These guys are great. They definitely are striving for perfection.

A short walk along a grass taxiway led Joe, Pete, and I to a cute lunch spot. I'm sorry Joe's wife and the rest of the guys didn't join us. Maybe next time.

Thanks for a wonderful day!

Back at Aurora, I put 5RV's blanket on, grabbed a cup of very good coffee at Aurora Jet center, and headed up the road feeing very blessed to be part of the wonderful RV family (as my husband, Mark, says, "a culture").

To end the afternoon I visited the End of the Oregon Trail museum. Wow! Things have changed! Wagon train to RV flight..... Times are good!

Thanks again,
To end the afternoon I visited the End of the Oregon Trail museum. Wow! Things have changed! Wagon train to RV flight..... Times are good!

Thanks again,

Hey Trish,
Do you have any more info on the Oregon Trail Museum? I'm kinda into that stuff. Back when I had my Cherokee, Carey and I flew the route of the Sante Fe trail and had a great time picking out wagon ruts and visiting some of the old forts. I guess one reason I'm interested in Western history is that the "Great Western Cattle Trail actually crossed some of our family farm ground. I might just combine a Van's homecoming fly-in with an Oregon Trail flight one of these days.

Always looking for another flying adventure.


Thanks for coming up and visiting us here in the NW. It was great formation flying with you on Saturday and meeting your step-son on Friday at Vans. Anytime you or the SoCal crew is headed up this way, let us know and we'll work up some formation practice, a lunch fly-out, and a place to stay. Have a safe flight back....
It was fun...

it is also really good to fly with other folks to learn about how they approach things. Always learning something new.
Oregon City

Hey Trish,
Do you have any more info on the Oregon Trail Museum? I'm kinda into that stuff. Back when I had my Cherokee, Carey and I flew the route of the Sante Fe trail and had a great time picking out wagon ruts and visiting some of the old forts. I guess one reason I'm interested in Western history is that the "Great Western Cattle Trail actually crossed some of our family farm ground. I might just combine a Van's homecoming fly-in with an Oregon Trail flight one of these days.

Always looking for another flying adventure.

A short drive from Vans is Oregon City, the end of the Oregon Trail. I spent 17 years teaching 4th and 5th grade before switching to 1st last year, so I have lots of kid information on the Oregon trail. It was fun to visit the interpretive center. http://www.historicoregoncity.org/HOC/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=75&Itemid=80 There isn't a whole lot there, but what they have is interesting. For those interested it is worth the stop.