
Well Known Member
Does anyone near ATL have a cheapo borescope camera (dental camera) or similar I could borrow for the weekend?
I have a USB camera on a 30' cord that I will mail you if you can't find anything closer. The camera works pretty good. I put it in my engine through the spark plug holes and got some nice video and pictures. You will need some software, but it works pretty well looking into the wings, tail sections, and even engine.

Pm me contact info if you are interested.
...more info please!....

Can you tell us a bit more about your cam? Seems a LOT of guys are experimenting, with varying degrees of success.
Is yours a dental cam, or one of those 'sewer snake' type, with a slim end, but straight facing view? I see there are angle adapter/mirrors available, so that's not a big deal.
Please let everyone know what you have, how close in it focuses, & where you got it ( if you don't mind)
It isn't anything fancy - in fact it was about $20. I got it on the auction site. I will post a link to one I think is the same or about the same. If the link doesn't work or is deleted, PM me and I will send it.

You need a laptop or android type tablet with a USB port. I found it very helpful and for what it cost, it was a good value. There are others that have a mirror or other way to see sideways. That would probably be better in some uses. For the cheap cost, maybe both would be worth it?

perfect! thanks....

haha, I think I found that exact one just surfing around; different supplier, and $20 or so.
I think I'll get it and the set of 3 mirrors and see how that works.
I have a little nexus 7 tablet that might make a good viewer, or perhaps I can capture the images as well. Anyone know if you can use an iPhone or.....?

will post if I am successful! ( and how my valves look!)
I tried to order that one from Amazon and got a front bezel for a DVD player instead :-(

amazon refunded me but now I'm stuck leaving Thu lunchtime to do a pre-purchase on an airplane and no scope.

Just ordered something else from Amazon and shipped to where plane is, so fingers xd
I just got a cheap one from ebay for $22 or so and it just came in a couple days ago. You are free to test if you want. I'm in Newnan. I hooked it up to my laptop and video camera worked fine with Windows Live Movie Maker. Should fit 4" into cylinder through spark plug hole, and it's skinny enough to fit without any grinding or modification - just measured with my calipers and it's definitely smaller than the threads of a spark plug. I've never done it before, but I'm assuming it will work fine.
congratulations! let us know how the borescoping goes

It went well. I ordered another one and had it shipped to the seller and borrowed one from Dan S as a backup.

It took a good 15-20 minutes of fooling around to learn how to maneuver the thing inside the engine. The one I bought came with Windoze software, I have a Mac. I suppose I should have tried running it in a VM, but with Photobooth I got most of what I needed.

Dan's is the standalone type with the little built in screen. It has a much thicker probe and couldn't really be maneuvered inside the cylinder.

I was able to see the face of all valves, tops of all the pistons, inside top of combustion chambers, and large parts of the cylinder walls. All looked good.