
Well Known Member
I noticed Dan hasn't changed anything on his site in quite some time, which is unusual. :confused:

I am anxiously awaiting his latest video (in-plane video) of his aerobatics. He installed a new camcorder mount in the cockpit.

Hope everything is OK with him? I had also emailed him some days ago, and no response. Kind of odd, since he typically replies to emails in a matter of minutes.

I see him go on and off in Yahoo and MSN messenger so SOMEONE is using his computer. He's probably just busy coding the next "killer app" for his website. :)
Who's Dan Checkoway?

Ironic that he doesn't even subscribe to these forums (well, I guess I do tonight...Rosie let me know about this thread). Not a fan of web forums, probably won't check here very often.

I hear Dan is buried in his hangar working on oil door cowl enhancements while rain pounds the area. Instrument rated, but no desire to "just go flying" in this scud without a specific destination and purpose.

As soon as it clears up a bit, I'll be flying daily again. Site updates coming soon.