
Well Known Member
So I curious if anyone has had any wing damage from someone stepping outside of the reinforced area? Just wondering if it would be worth an extra pound to strengthen a wider area.
So I curious if anyone has had any wing damage from someone stepping outside of the reinforced area? Just wondering if it would be worth an extra pound to strengthen a wider area.

Once I gave a ride to a teenager. The kid was very excited parents happy too. He stepped out of the cockpit following instructions then I couldn't even blink he ran all the way to the wingtip and jumped off. I have a visible spot on a wing I always notice. :eek:
Black spots only

On the RV7A I built (but no longer own), I had black wing walk on the step, the wing walk area, and the center section of black/grey seat upholstery. My passenger briefing (though a short spiel while I preflighted and loaded) included "you can walk on the black spots only - the step, the black on the wing, and the black part of the seats." Also had a "no step" sticker on the flaps.

However you do it, the load/unload process should be mentioned in the passenger briefing.

(I'd have been pretty upset if an enthusiastic teenager ran the length of my wing! Very sorry that happened.)
He stepped out of the cockpit following instructions then I couldn't even blink he ran all the way to the wingtip and jumped off. I have a visible spot on a wing I always notice. :eek:

Vlad you have the BEST stories!

Only wing damage is 2 small dented areas: one builder goof, and one turkey buzzard on short final in Warsaw, MO.
I had a flap take a beating on my old Tomahawk when a girlfriend lost her footing getting out of the airplane and clobbered the flap with "inappropriate for aviation" heels.

What was a bachelor to do???
I had a flap take a beating on my old Tomahawk when a girlfriend lost her footing getting out of the airplane and clobbered the flap with "inappropriate for aviation" heels.

What was a bachelor to do???

Hard to tell a woman in FMPs you can?t take her flying. Just saying.:D
All passengers sans a few experienced pilots with quite a bit of time in RVs get the standard "wait until I come around and help you in/out before moving" instructions. No issues so far, knock on wood, but only a time or two when I've had to forcefully tell someone to STOP MOVING AND WAIT FOR ME to come and help you.

There are a lot of things that can get bent/broken/dented on any airplane, and most people are thankful that I'm there helping them find their footing, what to grab, what not to grab, etc., as I think they'd feel even worse than I would if they damaged something.
I had a flap take a beating on my old Tomahawk when a girlfriend lost her footing getting out of the airplane and clobbered the flap with "inappropriate for aviation" heels.

What was a bachelor to do???

I can build a new flap in a few days...might be worth the effort, depending on the girl :)