
Well Known Member
(keep in mind I have a slow build from the 90's...(This build is like good bourbon, it get better with age....)

I have had real good success with setting the wing sweep, and incidence, etc with my RV6A. My drop lines from the forward part off the wing all it a laser light down the line. Less than 1/8" of error in sweep.

I set the wing incidence. I had 0.00 degrees difference between wings. But I had 0.40 degrees off of the longeron line. I am happy with this. It was more important to me to have excellent edge distance and get the wings in sync and flush with the belly to live with a 0.4 degree offset with the longerons. That was my judgement call.

The only issue that I struggle with is that the forward curl of my flaps hit the rear spar support preventing as much retraction as Id like. I trimmed that 5 inch section of inboard of the curl is in front of section of the inboard rear spar support that sticks out aft more than the rest of the rear spar support. But I am reluctant to trim the whole curl tip to gain this last 3.8th flap retraction. Hope that makes sense. If you have built a -6 or -6A I suspect it does.

Yes, I would still have enough of the forward curl to get at least 42 degrees of down flap even if I trimmed off about 3/8th of the forward part of the curl. I would probably feel compelled to then rivet on a new 90 degree lip on the forward edge of the cut curl.

Has anyone else had to do this? Did you rivet on a 90 at the end 0r bend a new 90, or leave it straight?

Would you just leave it as is, and live with the 3/8 below the fuse at the aft point of the flap?

P.s. a pic of the laser to check sweep.


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I had a similar issue and solved it by adding a slit to the flap where it interferes with the spar reinforcement. I could the bend the flap a bit more and "tuck it in".

I believe a drawing I found shows this.

gil A
Mine was a wing kit from the 90s as well. If I recall, I just bent the LE of the flap a little more and that was enough.
I am going to bend the LE of the flap more using a broom handle. But the angle of the aft spar sort of follows the angle of the LE of the skin as it is bent tighter. Its close. I may just live with it.