
Active Member
I have a 24 hour DFW layover on Saturday, May 12th. It arrives around 10 a.m. and doesn't leave until Sunday morning. I was planning on bringing the fiance-unit along to visit 52F (the mecca) Saturday afternoon in hopes of her seeing some RV's up close, since there seems to be a lot of activity there. If anyone has any plans to be there that Saturday, we'd like to hear from you. Thanks!

Marty Esther
May 12,2007

Mel is due over here to Certify an RV8 that day. There are about 30+ RVs on Hicks T67, about 15 miles by road from 52F.
You are welcome here, RV Central.
We have 6 RVs going together here in my place.
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I want to look at some too...

I have a spam can reserved that day for a local flight out of 52F to take my daughter up and we plan on eating lunch at the Blue Hangar. If anyone is around during lunch, I'd like to look at some RVs as well.
We're there!


We'll take you up on your gracious offer. I land in Dallas around 10, figure we'll be in the area by 1 if that's OK. My fiance is a little 'iffy' about homebuilts, this will help!

Micky, we'd be happy to pay your a/c costs for some flying around the area, if you're looking for an excuse to fly more that day... :rolleyes:

Sounds like a great day so far!

If Tate's soccer game doesn't take up the whole morning I'll be sure to come out!


Oops, I had my weekends mixed up. I am taking my little one flying on the 5th (if weather cooperates) and will be out of town on the 12th. Sorry.
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We'll be there...

We will definitely be in Dallas on Saturday. We should be in the Hicks / 52F area by noon and plan to spend the day RV looking. What a great plan!
Looking forward to a fun day.

If anyone is looking for an excuse to RV-ate, we could be convinced to trade some Airtran Airways buddy passes for an RV ride... :D