
Well Known Member
I think I have all of the codes figured out other than the PBN codes for my GNS-430W. Anyone else gone through this?

I'm guessing from ATC perspective they really only care about the /G and maybe a couple other items. Just wondering what I should put in for perf-based nav codes in ForeFlight.

Any help appreciated. My CFI and even a DPE were confused on what to use.
I think I have all of the codes figured out other than the PBN codes for my GNS-430W. Anyone else gone through this?

I'm guessing from ATC perspective they really only care about the /G and maybe a couple other items. Just wondering what I should put in for perf-based nav codes in ForeFlight.

Any help appreciated. My CFI and even a DPE were confused on what to use.

It’s C2, D2, O2, S1, S2.
Yeah, it could also be A1 and B2, but most aren’t flying in airspace where that’s required.
This is the document I used to setup my EFB. They recommend you set as much as you can so that you can get proper routing from ATC.


Note, if you are setting a code in one block, it might require a code in another block. I used this: http://www.flyjohn.com/icao-flight-plan.html to figure that part out.

My EFB has slightly different names for the S1, S2, etc, so I flipped settings in my airplane profile, and then looked at the draft filing plan it creates until I had it right. I also discovered that ATC doesn’t like the O2 code, so I just leave that one off.

Some of the “training” “required” for the RNP stuff is simply reading the Advisory Circular (AC 90-105A, https://www.faa.gov/documentlibrary/media/advisory_circular/ac_90-105a.pdf#page22), especially Chapter 8, which has a list of things that any IFR pilot should know and be familiar with anyway.
Awesome thanks guys!

Those links really help understand it a bit better.

I am wondering how much ATC actually uses these codes as I didn't file any a couple days ago and ATC gave us everything we needed/asked for. Interesting
I am wondering how much ATC actually uses these codes as I didn't file any a couple days ago and ATC gave us everything we needed/asked for. Interesting

I don’t know much about the internals of ATC, but my understanding is that the routing computer/algorithm uses the information to display to ATC options for routing and to generate your initial routing?

In other words, I don’t think the controller is sitting there “oh, this guy can do S2, let me give him a T-route” or whatever, the codes I assume are translated into information the controller can actually use (probably based on the tech level of the facility, I think some facilities are getting new equipment and software upgrades).

I get a lot of this information from the Opposing Bases podcast, which is great source of information, with real world IFR content without “product placement” or lots of filler.

On another note, if you configure all your info in 1800wxbrief.com, it will text your route to you when you file, and if it changes before you fly, you can EasyAmend the changes. Then, when you are ready to pick up your clearance, you are much more likely to get “as filed”. I thought this was pretty handy, and speeds up the clearance delivery process.