Clive J

Hi folks, I need a POH for my aircraft for a trip into Spain in my RV9.
I've never had one so maybe a good idea to have one in any event.
I have found one online from another owner/builder but it's in MPH, I will get after editing it but I thought I'd try on here to see if anyone has one in Knots to make things a little quicker.

Thanks regards, Clive
RV9 in UK, 0-320 B3B
I remember going through this, wanting to revise the POH for my 9A. Never did find any online that were written in knots...ended up just converting the MPH to knots to re-write mine.
Thanks for the info guys, much appreciated

Thanks for the info guys, much appreciated, I'll get editing.
Regards, Clive
I still don’t get the MPH thing in a aviation world based on knots.

If you’ll look at the Van’s website and look up the performance specifications for the various RV aircraft you’ll see all airspeeds are defined in mph - So it’s not just old Beech and Cessna aircraft. Our beloved Vans talks in mph!

My beef is with the AirVenture Notice. It discusses the 90kts/1,800’ requirement but doesn’t say what the mph airspeed should be for those aircraft use mph. Last summer I got caught behind two high wing aircraft that claimed to be going 90 but I kept closing on them at any airspeed above 80kts. Obviously they were using mph and not knots and were clueless to the difference. It would be a good reminder to all pilots that not every GA aircraft uses knots if AirVenture published both a mph and knots airspeed requirement.

Sorry for the HighJack of this thread but issue really burned my *** this last summer during the high stress arrival on Sunday.
Knots to MPH
1 knot = 1.15 mph (rounded to the nearest 100th but if you need more precision 1.15078)

So do the math
90 knots x 1.15 = 103.5 mph

Do the same math for any other speed you want to know about.
Yes ,,1.15 multiplier works for all numbers!!! Easier to remember that 90 kts is equivalent to 100mph for all practical matters in pattern speeds. But you best be looking out the canopy rather than the at the instrument panel.