
Active Member
Are there any RV-9/9A owners planning on going to EAA's SWRFI down in Hondo, Texas in May?

I contacted Van's about a demo ride, but they said that they do not plan on taking the -9/9A to the show at this time.

I could get a ride in another model, but I would like to take one in a -9/9A to make sure it is the one I want. I would appreciate anyone willing to take me for a ride while they are there.

There should be a few of us 9'rs at the RV Flyin at Midlothian on May 20th. Clay, Mike S. and I for sure... I'm sure a few others will be around. So if don't get a ride at SWRFI, come on down.

I plan to go to SWRFI next month. Depending on the weather I may fly in on Friday, camp out, and leave Saturday after the airshow (or whatever program they have going on.)

Mike Schipper
RV-9A - N63MS - Flying

I want a ride in a 9 :) I have never ridden in an rv yet
although I am waiting on the prop and finnshing up the baffling on my 9a now.. :( end of the month going to the airport to put the wings on.. all I need
is the dynon d-180 (already wired for it) and a transponder (not sure what I am going to get yet)
few other odds and ends.. but getting closer every
day.. what a journey..

I'll be in Hondo. I think I'm going to camp both nights. I'll also be at Pecan Plantation on May 6th.

And at OSH on July 23rd. :D Can't wait for this one. It'll be my first time.

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