I building an RV 7a and I'm at the point of start looking and making some decisions concerning my panel. The MGL Odyssey looks really good, with a lot a capibilities and the price looks good, but it seems so many builders are buying Dynon and GRT. Does anyone have any experience with MGL systems, particularly the Odyssey?
Here is one report from another forum:

"Regarding auto pilot; about month ago I went on a trip with my T-Hawk equiped with a Enigma and G2 Odyssey driving two Trio servos, 66 hours of flying, about 8,000 miles in 13 days from southern Ontario to Whitehorse Yukon and back, the autopilot was an outstanding device for me, smooth and gentle kept the airplane on course as the ceiling drop I would dial in a new altitude easy to adjust to controlers request, in fact 108 airplanes arrived in Whitehorse to be part of John Lovelace Century flight my airplane performed so well as a package... kind of out performed many faster planes I was always no 1 at the pumps on our legs, I was by myself most participants had dual pilots on board, many questions came up but the real secret was the outstanding G2 and the autopilot, control centers would discourage my new friends of flying in these centers and ask them to stay clear, in my case never got refused entry they allowed me to stay on course except for altitude, I found out since then that controlers tell us to "stand by" and watch our progress on radar if one is able to keep the course and stay on alttitude they tend to grant approvals of requested courses.
My confidence level of this technology in my bird after flying this extreme trip has surprised me, I am delighted!

thank you Rainier, outstanding perormance!

I building an RV 7a and I'm at the point of start looking and making some decisions concerning my panel. The MGL Odyssey looks really good, with a lot a capibilities and the price looks good, but it seems so many builders are buying Dynon and GRT. Does anyone have any experience with MGL systems, particularly the Odyssey?

Um, yeah...a few (at least) have them. I'm actually using dual Voyagers in my panel. I just upgraded to the latest processor board (the G2) and I really like them a lot!

I've got to hand it to MGL on a few key areas...number one is support. They are phenomenal, to say the least. Secondly is the feature-set that you get with the Voyager/Odyssey. For what they cost, you'll be hard pressed to find the same functionality with another system (although, I haven't looked recently). Another great thing is configurability. You can adapt these systems very easily to just about any platform (helicopter, ultralight, multi-engine, etc). I could go on, but I think you get the idea.

I originally was going with another vendor before discovering the MGL products, and I visited their booth at Oshkosh. They were flat-out rude to me, and instantly lost my business. I won't say who it was, but that was just my experience. That started me looking at all the other vendors out there. MGL had a prototype at that year's Oshkosh, but I didn't even see it because I didn't know about them yet. I just happened to stumble upon them a few weeks later.

I have zero regrets with my decision and would highly recommend them to anyone. Also, if you're in the Boise area, look me up and I'll show you what they're like in an RV.

Good luck!
Can't say anything about the EFIS displays (yet) but I am impressed with the MGL combined EGT/CHT gauge I purchased. Build quality is excellent, and it looks like it'll do everything I expected it to. Should be installing this weekend if all goes well.

Hi, fitting twin mgl voyager screens to an RV7 has anyone got advise on best place to fit the SP2 and SP5. thanks john.
John, I put the SP2 behind the aft baggage bulkhead. I have a 90 degree bent tab mounted to the right side of the fuselage (inside of course!) that is about 1 inch above the longeron. The horizontal part that sticks out has velcro on it, and the SP2 mounts to that.

I use an SP4 and it's mounted underneath the passenger seat very close to the centerline of the airplane. This spot was as close as I could get to the center of rotation, as per the directions. Seems to work really well.
Thanks for the replies, everyones comments certainly helps. It seems that I'm going the right direction with choosing MGL. If anyone else has a comment good or bad, don't be shy, I would love to hear them.

Thanks for the invite Sonny, I might just take you up on it one of these days.
I have an odyssey in my -7 and absolutly love it, #1 feature for me is the ability to design your own screens, you can taylor each of the 9 possible screens to exactly what you need them. Also, I love that you can have a sectional as your moving map background.

John, I have my sp-4 and sp-2 right behind my subpanel on a shelf and they work fine and made for much simpler wiring, just make sure you leave a fair amount of space between your antena wires and the sp-2, my compass would swing ~10 degrees when transmitting, re-routed the antenna wire and this symtom went away.
Another pirep I saw. Voyager is the smaller screen version of Odyssey:

"Hi all, just wanted to let the MGL team know that instead of moans and groans an accolade.
I have just completed my 1600 hrs on my Sport Cruiser with MGL Voyager from day 1, and would not change it for anything.
Most of which was Instrument training for COM & IF rating.
Yes we all have requests and a bit of a moan now an then:
but you can't satisfy everyone all the time, as we all have different needs and I think MGL has gone a long way to try and satisfy these.

Rainier that does not mean your off the hook with my wish list. :))

Great product

Cedric Mew