
Well Known Member
I had my ankle fused about 3 months ago and am well on my way to recovery. Last week I taxied my RV-8 around the ramp and did a run-up to see if I could flex the ankle enough to reliably steer and brake. I could, but not by much. I definitely don't feel confident enough to fly yet; I'm going to give my ankle another couple weeks or so to loosen up a little more before I try that.

My question is: Has anyone else here had ankle fusion surgery? Are you able to safely operate your taildragger, especially during landings? Thanks.
I would think differential braking would be tough with the standard pedals. I don't have your situation, so I can't state for fact. There are always solutions.

Fused Prosthetic ankle

I wear a prosthetic left leg below the knee. My knee is fine which is why I am quite ambulatory. The ankle has some flex but no control. I fly an RV-12 which while not a taildragger does use differential braking. I cut a 1/2" thick piece of wood the shape of the top (toe end) of my shoe and epoxied a couple of velcro straps to it with which I can strap it to the toe end of my shoe. In the air this does basically nothing as I can push the rudder with leg action just fine. On the ground I can apply the brake by holding the right rudder firm (no toe action) and pushing with my left leg which applies the brake because the wood block is contacting the top bar (brake). This works well enough that I can lock the left tire and pirouette around it. Actually, the last couple of flights with new shoes revealed that I should not use them for flying as the toe end is so flexible that it is hard to get real pressure with the right brake as the toe curls up and doesn't push firmly.

I have been checked out for tail draggers (Citabria) prior to having a motorcycle. Yes, I got hit hence the amputation. Anyway, a while back I did an upset recovery exercise in an instructor's Citabria. I didn't wear the wood device but I could take off and land keeping the plane straight without braking, as it should be. The instructor did the taxiing but I have no doubt that the same block or something similar would work in the Citabria.

PM if you want to discuss further.

I have a friend that lost both feet in an accident and has two prosthetic feet from the ankles down. He flies a Hatz Biplane and doesn't seem to have much problem. If you didn't know he had prosthetics, you wouldn't be able to tell.

Your ankle will get more flexible the further you are out from surgery and you will also adapt to the "new you" down there. DO your physical therapy!!
+1 for PT

Had my left ankle rebuilt a few years back after taking the express route off a ladder. Took some time to get the flexibility back to operate the brakes but as previously mentioned, PT is the key. Do what they tell you and you’ll get back to flying in short order. Took me 4 months after surgery and I’d say motion was back to 95%. Took another year to get the last 5%.
Thanks everyone for your replies. I'm definitely doing my PT and the ankle is getting a little more flexible every day. Of course, it will never be as flexible as a normal ankle because it is fused, but I think I'll be back in the air soon.
I had my ankle fused a year and 3 months ago. The ankle won’t gain any flexibility because it’s fused. The front part including the toes can move a little maybe 1/2 inch. I’ve been flying since 4 months after the operation. You will be able to fly and land without problems but I find I can’t make any sharp turns in the direction of the bad ankle. I might try the wooden block recommended by one poster. Good luck and keep flying

Just curious, why did you elect to a fusion instead of ankle replacement? They have come a long way in just the last 5 years on replacements.
Toe vs heel brakes

Hatz built per plans uses heel brakes.

True, that. But I fly both heel and toe brakes and both take a reasonable amount of flexibility in my aging ankles. I think the heel brakes in the Cub (similar to the Hatz) take more flexibility of the ankle joints than the toe brakes in SuzieQ, just in another direction, dorsiflexion (toes up, heel down) in the Cub vs plantarflexion (just toes down) in SuzieQ. The radius of movement is larger in the Cub. I usually wear Goat-roper cowboy boots with a 2 inch heel in the Cub. Reach those brakes without as much movement.:)

The point here being that a person can fly having had and ankle fused or messed with in other ways, my friend's example being of the extreme. Any amount of flexibility gained after surgery (with the help of PT, of course, and exercises done on their own), and adapting to the new limits of flexibility will contribute to being confident on brakes in various aircraft.

Besides, brakes are for sissies :D:D
Re: "Just curious, why did you elect to a fusion instead of ankle replacement? They have come a long way in just the last 5 years on replacements."

I consulted with 4 surgeons and they unanimously agreed that fusion was my only path forward. This was due to the nature of my original injury, which left my ankle chronically (and painfully!) dislocated due to severe and irreparable damage to the syndesmosis. A replacement wouldn't have worked because it presupposes a healthy syndesmosis and the other ligaments supporting the ankle. My ankle joint was completely unstable and therefore fusion was the only solution.
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Fused Ankle

My left ankle is partially fused. I have very limited movement of that ankle. I fly a RV-6. I find that when landing I have my heals on the floor and my legs control the rudder. When I need to brake I move my leg/foot higher where contact with the top of the rudder petal (Top of Brake) is located. Applied pressure then activates the brakes. It is very natural for me and I don't have to think about it.

When I shattered my ankle I was in the middle of building my tail dragger. I freaked out that I might have a problem with flying it.

I would suggest flying with an instructor who can save a landing if your feet go astray. You will naturally figure it out in quick order.