Of course! There are many detailed threads floating around here from those of us that have been in and out many times.
Cool! Thanks for the head's up. We're hoping to zip up there from the coast this week. It looks like a great place!
I used to fly in to Lahitas. They had a little resort town with a 18 hole golf coarse but have not been in years. Not sure all that is still there but I bet it is.
Big Bend State park

I've never flown in but did spend a week in the house and I saw the runway. It was well maintained and big. A group of us went off roading there. We towed out Samis in over that horrible 24 miles of washboarded road. We rented the house for the week. It has several bedrooms, bathrooms, living, dining a full kitchen and patio. It was amazing. They provide food if you set up in advance. The bunkhouse sleeps a large number of people as well. They will pack a brown bag lunch for your adventure if you want it. I did not see any rental vehicles so you may want to call and figure that part out and ask about pickup from the strip. We drove every 4x4 trail and found a few not on the map. It was one of the best off road adventures I've ever taken. As a side note, it is miserable from April through October. I suggest a trip when the temps are cooler. We typically planned for November and March. If it rains, the cactus flowers bloom and the colors are spectacular.