
I'm New Here
Looking for any comments, pros or cons about Aerotec Engines Limited in Nova Scotia Canada. I'm looking for an engine, and came across their name. Any info is appreciated. Thanks
I'm not associated with them other than a customer. I purchased our rebuilt IO-540 from them and was very pleased with everything. My close friend that kept his 172 in my hangar had his engine rebuilt by Jason's crew and he was very pleased with the results. I've known Jason for over 10 years and have yet to hear of one dissatisfied customer. I 'm sure there must be some but none that I've come across.
AeroTec Engines

I'll be seeing Jason this weekend at the Stanley Fly-in. Jason is the kind of guy that would give you a call personally.

I haven't heard anything bad about them. My friend just bought a Lycoming O-320 160HP from them for his RV-4. He seems to be happy with it.

Good Luck.
I have over 600 hours on my O-360-A1A from Aerotec and no complaints. Jason was responsive when I had questions.
They were helpful and responsive when I was looking for a test engine. Ultimately they couldn't find what I wanted but I would give them a try again.