
Well Known Member
I find that after many years of ordering items for the plane and anxiously anticipating their arrival I now get depressed when I don't have something on order. I call it PDEW (Package Delivery Expectation Withdrawl). Anyone else with this problem? Perhaps we need to create a support group. :)
Just wait until you "git er done" and start flying. Then you transition into "rivet Withdrawl" and can only be cured by being a repeat offender! :rolleyes:

I've heard of kit builders developing a variety of afflictions as a result of their experience. One in particular is called kit plane deficit disorder or K.D.D. One of the major symptoms is momentary memory loss due to lack of focus on topic during discussions because the involved builder can think of nothing all day long except the next kit component he is constructing. The syndrome was put forth by Dr..... uhm.... by Dr........

Oh well I forget....

Anyway, I have more fiberglasses to do tonight.

Perhaps we need to create a support group.

Yes it is really depressing. I dropped into Van's last week for a look see and the only thing I could think of to purchase was some "O" rings for the fuel quick drains. Not stocked, they told me to try a hardware store.

Well that's enough for now got to get ready for some formation flying with my buddies in the morning, and yes they are also suffering from PDEW.

Well maybe I will find something at Oshkosh to cheer me up.