
Active Member
Okay.. maybe it's me but...
Do the PIC on rotorcrafts fly left seat dominate?

I ask because, everytime I see the Scottrade commercial, the CEO pretends to be flying the helo from the right seat.
Sure, I know it's just a commercial but, it seems that a CEO is asking millions of people to trust them with their stock investments, he's at least fly the helo from the proper side..

'''''side note.. before anyone gets too hot, I'm just kidding''''
Rotorheads sit on the right

Back when I took helicopter instruction, I was told that most commercial helicopters were flown from the right seat so that the PIC could lean out of the right side door to visualize a sling load without interfering with control of the collective (which is manipulated with the left hand). All of my instructors were Huey drivers in Vietnam. In the slick, the ship commander sat in the right seat.
right seat

One of my Old time flight instructors told me the reason helo's fly pic right
seat was because the 1st test pilot had a broken (cast on) left hand
and that they have been doing it that way ever since.. I am not sure
if that was true or not he passed away about two years ago.. who knows

Most fly from the right because the radios and such are in the middle of the panel and therefore you don't have to take your hand off the stick to change frequencies or squak codes.