
Well Known Member
I will be leaving for a two week vacation there and might get tired of laying on the beach, snorkling, etc.

I got bored when I went to Oahu. Drove up to Dillingham Field and had my first glider ride! Also saw hundreds of turtles at the beach across the road. Sadly, the glider I was in later crashed, killing two.

Don't know about Maui, though-- next trip!
Hey I might be in trouble...

Yeah, Right.

Jealous, I am.

Once the aluminum dust and epoxy risen washes off, I could get a sun burn and have to stay in doors.:eek:

Besides working on airplanes is like a vacation, right?:D

My wife said I have to go, but I could take a little time to visit some airplanes while we are there.:)

Maui Aviators

In case you don't get to RV-ate in Maui, here's another suggestion to aviate over there:

Check out the Familiarization Flights section for details

Suggest renting a plain old C-172 with an instructor and going island hopping with one of their experienced instructors. It is expensive, but you don't get that kind of view from the cockpit windows everyday. Touring the coast near Haleakela, then over the town of Lahaina then over to the old leper colony on the island of Molokai and the wrecks near the island of Lanai are all nearby and worth the cost of admisssion.

I flew left seat, but made the instructor do all the boring work (communicate with Class C tower since he had all the freq's in his head) and I just sat back and flew wherever he told me. It was a memorable experience to fly out over the ocean, but within reasonable gliding distance of multiple islands. We had a blast. Wife took about 100 pix from the back seat and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Best vacation fun I ever had aside from taking my RV on vacation.
Great idea.

In case you don't get to RV-ate in Maui, here's another suggestion to aviate over there:

Check out the Familiarization Flights section for details

Suggest renting a plain old C-172 with an instructor and going island hopping with one of their experienced instructors. It is expensive, but you don't get that kind of view from the cockpit windows everyday. Touring the coast near Haleakela, then over the town of Lahaina then over to the old leper colony on the island of Molokai and the wrecks near the island of Lanai are all nearby and worth the cost of admisssion.

I flew left seat, but made the instructor do all the boring work (communicate with Class C tower since he had all the freq's in his head) and I just sat back and flew wherever he told me. It was a memorable experience to fly out over the ocean, but within reasonable gliding distance of multiple islands. We had a blast. Wife took about 100 pix from the back seat and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Best vacation fun I ever had aside from taking my RV on vacation.

Thanks Rob.

Quite welcome Kent.

BTW - I should also give you a disclaimer on the winds. Let's just say it can be challenging. A normal day when landing at Molokai presented me with a 20 knot full on x/wind.

The locals claim that Maui is the windiest airport in the US. Nothing that the good old C-172 tank couldn't handle.

Have a great trip!

Quite welcome Kent.

BTW - I should also give you a disclaimer on the winds. Let's just say it can be challenging. A normal day when landing at Molokai presented me with a 20 knot full on x/wind.

The locals claim that Maui is the windiest airport in the US. Nothing that the good old C-172 tank couldn't handle.

Have a great trip!


And I can testify that if you've been flying an RV for four years and expect to handle a 172 in a 20 kt xwnd like you used to, you might get a surprise. The instructor had to save my first T&G on Molokai, and when we got back to Maui, I saw him reaching for the yoke out of the corner of my eye before I managed to salvage it at the last minute. That giant wing really catches the wind if you flare too high!

But that all just adds to the fun. Next to the bicycle ride from the top of the volcano to the beach, the Maui Aviators ride was the best money we spent on Maui.

By the way, just go ahead and spring for the new 172 with the leather seats and fancy avionics. When you get a look at the old yellow hack the locals apparently train in, you'll gladly pay the upcharge.
Good point - rent the newer C-172 - it is very plush.

Also - good tip on the bike ride down Haleakela (10,000' summit down to sea level) is a must do. It is the lazy man's mountain biking - basically all down hill and fast.