
I am thinking of converting from an old style Hartzell prop (C2YKBF/F7666) to a blended airfoil prop and am wondering how the new prop compares to your old prop in terms of smoothness. Is there less vibration? I have flown one Rv with the new prop and it was very smooth but that may have been the engine.

Buehler? Buehler? Anyone?

I'm a ways off from needing a prop. If buying new, I'll probably spring for the BA. BUT for the right used prop and associated $$ savings, I'd buy your 7666.
Third hand report

My friend driving a RV-8A did just this.

He said the blended prop was more quiet and much smoother (both props were balanced when installed). He is not getting any large perfomance gains, just a couple of knots in some configurations. Sorry, I can't remember and specifics. Good luck
I can tell you my 0-360 A1A has always been smooth as glass right from the beginning with my BA prop. It's never been balanced.
