
I went up yesterday (Sunday March 11th) for a short trip from Fresno to Columbia with a friend (Matt Johnson- RV-7a building). Upon arrival we saw 2 RV-6a's and 1 newly finished or unpainted -7. Had we arrived 10-15mintues prior we would have been able to talk to the owners. However since we missed them I was just curious if they were here on the board.

Here is a picture of one of the RV-6a's (camera phone)

These were the first completed RV aircraft I had the privilege of seeing with my own eyes. They were also the first actual take offs I had seen in person. Unfortunately I want to start one even sooner now! I need to get a ride one of these days I am sure that will really light the fire....


Friday 9 March there were TWO RV-6As there. "Rosie" and "TupperGal" were there in 628PV with Ann Marie in her RV-6A. John was flying circles around them in his Glasair. John was opening the hangar when they entered the pattern at L00 so Ann Marie only had to push her airplane in.

Typically you will find RV at O22 for the Luscombe Fly-In in May and again Father's Day Weekend when they have the Father's Day Fly-In.

Next time Rosie said he would phone me so that I can join them.

Cool, yeah it was a blast to see some RVs on my flying adventures. I just really would like to catch someone walking out to their plane and be able to talk to them or possibly even beg for a ride :D .

There were also 2 Lancairs that took off out of there both retracts, one was a 2 seater with a red spinner and the other was a 4 seater.
