
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Hi Minnesotan's!

I am hoping to take the -8 on it's first trip to the homeland for Easter Weekend. Should be a nice workout from Texas - might as well spend the fuel money I won't be burning while she's in the paint shop next month! Just wondering if there's anyone with any hangar space at Anoka - I'm just planning on tying down at Cirrus for the couple of days (I have a good cover), but it's nice to know if there are storage options if the weather turns nasty...and maybe I'd get to peek in on some projects!


We should be able to set you up at KANE. I sent a message to my hangar owner, and I'll post here when I here from him. When are you talking about?


740 hours
Be careful...

Hi Paul,

Other than helping clueless builders (me) with all manner of newbie questions, providing motivational rides and generally being stand up guys, watch out for Alex and his hangar mate. They seem to be too good to be true....

I look forward to your visit. I just got my seats from DJ. My order was simple: make them just like Paul Dye's only for a RV-9! I want to copy more of your interior.....
Thanks Guys!

Thanks for the responses! My plan is to fly up on Friday beofre easter, and leave Monday or Tuesday. Might fly up to visit a sister in Wadena on Saturday. All weatehr dependant of course!

Jamaican's in Minnesota? What - training for bobsled?!

Paul, the hangar owner says no problem. We've had up to two extra RV's in the hangar before, although there is a boat in there now also.

I grew up 20 miles from Wadena, in Henning. You from around MN?

Maybe my spot in the hangar will be open, since I'm currently stuck in FL with ANOTHER crapped out Lasar mag. What a pile that system has been. But, that is for another thread.
Shoot, I just bought Twins-Yankees tix for Friday night, but any chance we can have a little RVers get-together with some of the local builders over the weekend. We can use the inspiration.

Give me a call when you get in town. 651-246-5564 is the cellphone. You'll be flying over the world headquarters of the Hotline on the way over to KANE, so be sure to honk.


Great guys - I'll be in touch - nothing is carved in stone of course, so don't make any drastic changes in your plans on my account! I'll probably be tied up with family for the weekend itself, but I'm pretty good at multi-tasking a schedule.

Alex - I was born in Bemidji, grew up mostly in Roseville. Family's ancestral home is up in Tower-Soudan, so I spent a lot of summers in Canoe Country.
