
Active Member
I have started receiving a fail on startup. The transponder is sending and receiving with ATC and is accurate. When i contacted Apollo they informed me the unit is no longer supported and they don't have the error I am getting. He is going to look into it but also said they wouldn't give out certain information as it might be propitiatory.

OK, i get that but I still would like to know what's failing. When i start the unit and get the fail I turn the small knob to cycle through the tests, Voltages , transmit and receive are all OK. The fail is the "DSLT".

Anyone able to tell me what the code indicates?

Thanks in advance
Here is the answer

I just talked to an awesome guy (Dan) at Garmin. The acronym describes a display temperature over temp. Basically, the unit has a definite end of life coming up. When is the question. 2 hours, 2 months, 2 years??????

He suggested look at either

the 2020 ADSB compliency requirement and buying a unit that will meet it.

or buying a GTX 327 that is a digital replacement of the SL70.

Right? Wrong? Suggestions?
I've got 2 SL-70's installed and have seen enough on the used market that I think I can swap out for some time if anything ever goes wrong with them. Other than the lenses I have not had any trouble with them in 14 yrs.
Surrey BC?

In Canada you have no 2020 requirement. I would just find another SL70 if and when the time comes. Perhaps your cockpit heat just got it too hot on a one time event. Even in the USA if you live outside controlled airspace and stay out (most of the north west) there will be no need to be 2020 ADS-B compliant. I believe that the FAA is getting paid by divorce lawyers for all the wives bailing after many more thousands of dollars are requested for the RV on ADS-B ( But honey, you promised me that the panel was done for good!:D )

Transport Canada wisely decided that SSR works just fine, and is not following the US on this one. Your SL70 might live a long and happy life.
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Long live the SL70 :)

I hope so. Its still sending and receiving but some day it will go. I have looked on line and was a little surprised at the price spread. $1200 - $500.

My next big concern is when i go in for the two year certification. Im wondering if he will fail the aircraft due to the "Fail" message. I'll let you know when it happens.
...and my trusty SL-70 rolled over and died mid-flight yesterday.

The resulting errors were:

I was hoping to make it closer to 2020 before shelling out the long dollar for an ADS-B box (and having to go at my panel with tin snips.

Anyone know anyone that does repairs to these babies?

  • 3.3v PASS
  • 5v PASS
  • 8v FAIL
  • 12v PASS
  • 45v FAIL