Foreflight is wonderful for all things as a backup. Radar, traffic if you have ADSB out, flight planning. IFR plates with geo reference and many other goodies. I would not want to go cross country without it, but I pads can freeze up or loose GPS position so it is only a backup device not the main source.

John Morgan
I've used my iPad as the only nav crossing the country many times. Never had any issue. In Cessnas, Gobash, RV8, RV3, RV6 I've never lost GPS or locked up. In fact, I've owned three iPads and have never had one lock up in the plane or on the ground. Maybe I'm just lucky. I will say that my mini which lives in the plane is not loaded down with apps. It has aircraft related apps and 55 movies on it...but that's about it.

No, I wouldn't use one for IFR but as a VFR chart with an iPhone as backup...I have no fear. I would travel anywhere coast to coast with iPad and iPhone and no charts in the plane.
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I use my I-pad with FF all the time. FF allows you to upload your subscription to a second device at no extra cost. Some folks have uploaded FF to their mobile phone as a backup. I have old eyes so I uploaded FF to my wife's I-pad (she's never without it but that's another topic) so I have an immediate fallback that's large enough for my old eyes to read clearly.

I also use Foreflight on every cross country flight. I wouldn't be without it when traveling. I don't use it much on local flights, but I use it exclusively for flight planning and filing.
I used my iPad with Air Navigation Pro and FltPlan Go until I switched to Android. It was a great moving map GPS for me. I had a flip-cover on it, and with the cover flipped behind the screen, the clip on my kneeboard could grab the opened cover and hold it in place on my knee without obstructing the screen. No visibility issues, no GPS issues, while I was using it.

I highly recommend FltPlan Go and Air Nav Pro, mostly for their reduced cost over ForeFlight.
Anybody willing to share their experience using the IPAD /light as GPS or flight instruments?


Hi Rivetdriver,
I am willing to share. It's a perfect device for "steam cockpit" and I have wonderful experience with it since year one it appeared on the market. It "pukes" once in a while but recovers fast. You will see anything you need to see on the screen of any model in any light condition. That's all I can say about it :)
We first used the Ipad in 2011, few local trips to get used to it, then off to OSH. It was running SkyCharts Pro at the time. Great program, simple and easy to use---- but it seems to have gone the way of the Dodo:mad: We also used the Ipad to run weather, and AirNav for route planning to get the fuel stops optimized.

Later switched to Garmin Pilot when SkyCharts stopped updating their charts. Hated Garmin Pilot---------does way too much, thus way harder to figure out how to use---------IMHO, decidedly not user friendly.

We now have ForeFlight----------I see it as kind of a blend between the previous two as both in function, and ease of use.

Our plane has a panel mounted AvMap gps, and the GRT EFIS also has internal GPS---------and then there is also the Ipad-----all three always show a very close if not identical position. This is without using an external antenna for the Ipad. I keep the GRT set to a 30 mile range, the AvMap set to 90--100 mile range, and the I pad whatever seems best at the moment.

The big advantage of the Ipad for us it the ability to zoom in/out rapidly, and to search other stuff along the planned route. Also, we have a Stratus 2, so the Ipad gets the weather and traffic.

Is it needed-------------no.

Is it nice to have---------very much so, would not leave home without it.
iPad is a great portable

I use a iPad mini with ForeFlight and a Stratus 2 just about every flight. The only problem I have ever had is allowing it to overheat which then the device shuts down to protect itself. That has never happened except on the ground during stops and my stupidly allowing the sun to beat on it. As long as I cover or move it that is not a concern. Never an in flight hiccup. I use it exclusively to file and brief also.

It's Stratus provided GPS location, FIS-B and TIS-B data has very good accuracy and availability but I did put an external ADS-B antenna on it which helped considerably. I use it in IMC to augment other instruments. All in all a great addition to the cockpit. I would not hesitate to use it as a primary instrument in VMC.

Anybody willing to share their experience using the IPAD /light as GPS or flight instruments?

I thought the iPad, while it worked fine, was a bit too large. Won't fit on my lap as the stick is in the way. Switched to an iPad mini. Portrait mode locked in, sits fine on my knee board. Just big enough to read approach charts without zooming. VFR sectionals are easy to zoom in/out as needed. ADSB wx and traffic via Skyradar and WingX (Foreflight/Stratus won't talk to my GRT panel). I still carry local sectionals but rely on the iPad WingX exclusively on trips. I sometimes make paper copies for backup if ifr. The gps has never failed to lock on, is a good nav backup. I do not have attitude information on my set up.
I too use an Ipad mini and I love it. I use it with a windshield RAM mount and it works great. I pair mine with a Garmin GDL and the Garmin app. It seems everyone else is using Foreflight but I just like the layout of Garmin better. After flying with it I couldn't take off without it.
Full-size iPad, 32 gig, cellular/gps. Use it routinely for day VFR. I generally let it ride in the passenger footwell if I'm solo, otherwise the passenger holds it. It can overheat and shut down. Don't panic.

I prefer SkyCharts Pro and WingX. WingX has a few additional features that I like, such as their fuel cost display (extra cost).

My backup GPS is a small handheld on a mount. It's more reliable but the display isn't nearly as good; I usually keep it set for merely text data, which is plenty fine.


Both Professionally and in General Aviation I have used IPADS in our corporate planes and in my RV7.

We have a group of 4 pilot corporately who use IPADS for all their chart service utilizing ForeFlight for Charts and Plates.

Only issue we have had. If the sun is glaring down on the IPAD it can get over heated and shut down.. same is true of the Stratus 2 we have. Our solution is to have some airflow on the back of the IPADS from the vents and to cover the Stratus with something white. Then there is no issue.

Half of us utilize a no glare screen cover. Which really helps. In the evening it does not matter but during bright sunlight it cuts down on the reflections on the screen.

The accuracy we enjoy with the Stratus 2 and Foreflight is often less than 2 meters. I wish they were around when I learned to shoot ADF approaches back in the 70's.
Like Mike, I started using SkyCharts which is still around... but there is no comparision to the ease of Foreflight... So many features.. You have to work with it to get comfortable.

I know this was about utilizing an IPAD. but with the situation awareness of utilizing Foreflight and Stratus together it make doing the grunt work so easy. Just don't get too caught up in the nice glass stuff.... there is a world to see out the windshield including planes not picked up on the fancy equipment.

FAA "Approved/endorsed" ?

Being new to the EFB world, are only some map software apps approved for stand alone flight bag use IFR and VFR? Does the FAA approve only certain hardware (IPAD or Nexus, etc) ? Or does it simply have to be current?
Seems like Foreflight and WingX are the most popular.
I am of the opinion from what we have been told that if you use an Ipad you under Part 91 must have a training and documented. also if using it for charts and plates you must have 2.
we carry the Ipads in our corporate aircraft under part 91
on my RV IFR i have the I Pad and an I phone with ForeFlight on it

I am of the opinion from what we have been told that if you use an Ipad you under Part 91 must have a training and documented. also if using it for charts and plates you must have 2.


I agree that it's wise to have back-up charts/plates (as I do on my iPhone), but I don't believe that the FAA requires "2."
Just started using recently - -


So far - so good.
Your brand of glare screen cover??

Half of us utilize a no glare screen cover. Which really helps. In the evening it does not matter but during bright sunlight it cuts down on the reflections on the screen.

Hi Jack, Could you tell me the brand of glare screen cover you are using? I've had two of them. Didn't help at all and wound up throwing them away.
Here's an anti-glare screen that I've found effective in a cockpit with lots of sunlight (Grumman): I use this on my Gen 4 iPad but they make the same product for the Air 1-2 models, as well.

I tried to use the Armorglas version on my Air 2, found the instructions incomplete, got a poor result and returned it. So far, I'm waiting to see if I can do without a glare screen (except for a protective cover) as these striking Retina displays are significantly dimmed when a glare-reducing cover is used, and that impacts other uses...and I use an iPad for almost everything these days.

Agree with all the above comments about FF, both pro & con. Rare heat shutdown, just momentarily put it in your lap. Internal GPS was very reliable before adding a Stratus II. Far better SA for me in IMC & on approaches with FF, given my 6-pack panel. Older iPad now struggles a bit (slower to open) with the ever-increasing size & complexity of FF, and FF will on occasion close unexpectedly with that older processor. Perhaps because I fly near/thru so much SUA airspace (I'm in Florida), I find FF especially useful on local (<200 NM) flights. I realize 'cost' is very much a personal thing...but when I look at the money I spend in a year on flying and a/c ownership, the FF cost for a Pro subscription seems to me to be down in the noise level. I'm not convinced the new Synthetic Vision feature is worth any additional cost but I haven't used it much yet.

I used my iPad with Air Navigation Pro and FltPlan Go until I switched to Android. It was a great moving map GPS for me. I had a flip-cover on it, and with the cover flipped behind the screen, the clip on my kneeboard could grab the opened cover and hold it in place on my knee without obstructing the screen. No visibility issues, no GPS issues, while I was using it.

I highly recommend FltPlan Go and Air Nav Pro, mostly for their reduced cost over ForeFlight.
Thanks Snowflake. Is there something you're using in AirNav Pro that FltPlan Go is missing? If there's a specific feature you're looking for please email me.

We appreciate your suggestions and feedback.
Power for iPad on long trips

How are you guys powering the iPAD for long trips?

My iPad battery drains using a 2.1 amp USB from a cigarette lighter plug in my Cherokee. Seems like having the iPAD GPS receiver on, constantly, really sucks power (relatively).

Doing wiring now for RV-7A. Is there anything special I should add to keep two iPADS fully powered up for long flights?


PS, I use it with GARMIN Pilot and love it. Everything works all the time. I use full size, mounted on the yoke. Kinda big but I like it.
I used iPad with foreflight on a thousand mile (each way) X-c in my RV-8. It overheated in its protective case, was hard to read in direct sunlight, and since I had no kneeboard, was a pain in the cockpit. Foreflight was great. The iPad worked much better in my old high wing Cessna, but I refuse to fly an entire X-c in the RV inverted...
ipad air plus stratus and foreflight

This has worked great for us in our 6a. I have a mount for it, but find it is easier to let Sabrina have the ipad. She likes to look for other airplanes on adsb and then find them before I do:) If she gets tired, she just put it down between us. If I had it to do over, I might get the mini for size.

I have a large battery backup for long flights so it does not go dead. We have had it shut down due to getting too hot, so I do not suggest leaving it on the dash. It starts right back up as soon as it cools down enough. I have a two backups, so I have never had problems with it quitting at the wrong time.

As to ease of use, it is great. Very intuitive. Make sure you keep it up to date, Foreflight pushes a lot of updates!