
Well Known Member
Hey mods, no TSA comments here and "ifin" ya feel the need to throw this over to a travel thread, won't hurt my feelings:D

Gonna ask some questions, throw an invite and all in between.

Anybody care to share some day trip experiences while at SNF?

I am definitely going to launch out either Thursday, Friday or Saturday for a sight seeing day trip.

Couple of thoughts here:

1. Launch out and hug the west coast down to Key West on Friday, grab a lobster lunch and head back landing back at LAL after the evening airshow but before the night airshow. About a 400 mile round trip, no biggie

2. Launch out to the Northeast to Daytona then hug the coast, avoiding all the restricted going past the Shuttle Launch facilities to maybe Boca then return to LAL

3. Hop up to Cedar Key, only 90 or so miles, catch the "taxi" into "town", grab a nice seafood lunch, rent a pole and do some fishing off the pier or rent some golf carts and do some cruising around the Key. Same thing, RTB. Quick fun and easy. We could do this any day.

4. Make a grand day of it. Buy a couple life preservers at SNF, file international, make sure the camera batteries and SD card is empty and overfly Walkers Cay, Spanish Cay, down to Treasure Cay right turn to overfly the Grand Bahama island and Freeport to Palm Beach, stretch the legs, clear and return to LAL after a great sightseeing, photo day. Total flight miles: 536, no biggie. We could even make a night of it at Treasure Cay or Freeport, which ever one would have accommodations on short notice.

I'm flexible, as tax season will be over and I have absolutely no appointments, no clients, no "nuffin" on my schedule during the SNF time other than to fly.


Anybody IN??
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I would be in, but right now I'm flying a Starduster Too until I finish the 8. I'm at 49FD in north Florida and intend to fly to Lakeland early Friday morning. I envy your "RV speed", but there's no way I could keep up. I'm sure you'll have some flying companions before this post is history. Have fun....Florida is a beautiful place to fly!!!!!!!!!

David Watson
Some of us Rats were looking for something like this to do, so those are some good ideas.
Key West Sounds Great...

We'll be out out at Merritt Island all week fixin up my Dads house with a day at SnF planned either Th or Fri. then a day trip to KW sounds great, count me in:D Th, Fri would be best for me as well. Never been down to KW so would love to tag along with someone who is familiar with the area.
Love to, but....


Congratulations on returning to the air! I've been out of it and was not aware you were airworthy again. I'd love to but will be there (SNF) only a short time. I will make an effort to find you and visit your beauty!
