
Well Known Member

At first I thought this was corrosion on my gold colored alodined spars, but now I'm not so sure. There are enough little areas, and some have been wrapped up since delivery from Vans. It almost looks like something left over from the alodining process.

So, what do you guys think this is?






Is this something I need to be worried about and attempt to remove it, or is it normal for this process?

Anybody seen this before?
i hate to say it, but i think it is areas that weren't fully cleaned prior to anodizing. whatever contaminated it prevented conversion in that area.

like reilly said best you can do is scuff it and prime it.

you could call vans if you thought it was a big problem, i don't, but I don't have any commercial anodizing experience.

Or Alodine it. I did that on all of my countersinks on the spar, and one or two places that needed a "touch-up". Came out fine.
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You'll run into spots or scratches all along your building process. Just shoot some primer on anything that causes you some concern.