
Well Known Member
I am about to get my Private Pilot's Certificate and I want an airplane of my own. The RV7 seems to fit my needs perfectly, plus, I get to build it myself. But, I would like a ride in one before I commit to spending alot of money, just so I can see for myself what the RV grin is all about.

So, is there anyone in Central KY who would be willing to give me a ride? I'd be more than happy to pay for your fuel and time. I live in Lexington, but I'd be willing to drive to your airport, as long as it is reasonably close.

Be careful

an RV7 is a lot of airplane for a low time pilot. I built a Zenair Zodiac when I had 70 hours and I am glad I did.

Not saying you can't handle it (other low timers have) but with high performance comes the extra likelyhood of an early death....


Frank...Old geezer who's looked over the edge more than once...:)
Check Dan's site


Try Dan's Checkoway's web page ( for the RV finder link. There is somebody in Shelbyville listed. When I was taking flying lessons at Capital City there were a couple of RV's there but not a 7.

I just got my PPL a year ago and I decided to build a 9a. I did find someone giving transition training in a 9a whereby I could experience first hand what flying characteristics my project will have once I am done. I plan on doing more transition flying to prepare myself for that day.

I have also been fortunate to get a ride in a 6a but this was after I commited to building a 9a. All my flying prior to the transition flight has been in a C172. Now it is really hard for me to fly in anything less than an RV.

When you get done building, transition training is the really smart thing to do before the first flights. Also makes your insurance company happy.
I am definitely planning on transition training. Plus, it will be a few years before I get it done so hopefully, I'll have some more experience by then. I'll give the link a try. I don't really care which RV I get a ride in, I figure that all of them are similar enough just to give me an idea of how much better than a Cessna or Piper that they really are.

frankh said:
an RV7 is a lot of airplane for a low time pilot. I built a Zenair Zodiac when I had 70 hours and I am glad I did.

Not saying you can't handle it (other low timers have) but with high performance comes the extra likelyhood of an early death....


Frank...Old geezer who's looked over the edge more than once...:)
looking over the edge right now.....aint skeered :D :rolleyes: :mad: :eek:
Get a ride yet??

I put a note on our Ohio Valley RVators site for you....we have a bunch of members from the Kentucky area. One of our guys.....'Al', may be slipping you an email....he flies an RV8 out of Lexington.

You can get to our Yahoo discussion group from our website below:

Good Luck.....and nothing wrong with learning to fly in an's all relative IMO.

Rick Gray in Ohio at the Buffalo Farm