Bryan Wood

Well Known Member
About two weeks ago Sher and I went to Las Vegas for her yearly tax seminar and training. Because she has to be there on time and because of the stress she feels worrying about the possibly not making it in time by flying ourselves she booked our flights on an airline as I sheepishly conceded. When the day came to actually make the trip all I could think about was the 15 minutes to get the airport and that 30 minutes or less later we could be lifting off in our RV. The flight to Vegas would have taken 2 hours and 45 minutes in the RV. Instead we began the 1 hour drive to the comercial airport. This allowed me to replay the previous points over and over in my head. After arriving we found a parking spot in long term parking at the rate of $14 per day. From here we waited and then boarded the bus to the terminals. Upon exiting at the terminals we were 1 1/2 hours into our adventure. Checking our one bag that we had decided not to carry on so that we could bring shampoo and other ointments, which we were checking by ourselves via a bag checking atm it was a surprise to discover that we were going to be charged an extra fee to check the bag. After placing a credit card into this fleecing device we were on our way to meet with the TSA on the way to our gate. As one of our carry ons is going thru the scanner I watched a number of passengers that looked to me as if they should have been profiled and checked a little closer. Much to my surprise I was taken out of line and allowed to stand quietly while somebody pillaged my bag. After wrinkling my clothes I was allowed to put on my shoes and continue to the gate. Around the 2 hour mark into our trip I closed my eyes and tried to catch a few winks in a chair at the gate. I awakened to a crack that sounded like gravel trying to escape from somebodies lungs. My eyes opened to see a woman next to me with a mask over her face who was covered in sweat and coughing the cough of the dying. I recoiled in horror. Without concern for her feelings I grab Sher by the hand and lead her to another seat.

Naturally our seats are in the last part of the plane to be allowed to board after the overhead bins are basically full. After finding a place for our carry ons in bins nowhere near our own seats we buckle in and get ready for our trip. I glance to the right and horror again overtakes me. Two seats to my right is a teenage boy that is also extremely sick. When I was realizing the magnitude of my bad luck he went to the second knuckle on his index finger into a little nasal maintenance. This literally went on for several minutes. My face must have showed some distress because the flight attendent asked if everything was okay. He likely thought I was afraid of flying. I pointed to my right and he realized that my expression was the result of what was happening over there. As the shock of what this kid was openly doing set in the flight attendent began to laugh uncontrollably. I sat there wondering how I ended up on this dumb airliner. I told Sher that this was like having a car in the garage and taking a cab. She was getting mad at me. That's when the noise breaks the silence. My hair moves from the wind of the mans cough that is sitting behind me. His cough sounds exactly like the womans with the mask in the terminal. This went on for the remainder of the flight and my mood grew more and more foul. Finally we arrive in Las Vegas and while waiting to exit this flu ridden person wanted to be in my personal space, or from the way he was crowding, in my clothes with me. Finally we are off of the plane and retrieving our bag from the claim area. This took almost 40 minutes. By this time I've pointed out to Sherri that we would have been at the hotel long ago if we would have flown ourselves. She was less able to defend our airline trip and more angry with me each time I updated with a new time. We would have been in the restaurant long ago followed by her scowl. When we get to the taxi area there is even a taxi cop who tells you which one you can ride in. The line was like we were on the seasons new ride at Disneyland and was at least 250 yards long being controlled by this taxi cop. The folks in front of us in line got a caddy that was new and we got an old smelly dented and dirty wrecker. The cop assigned us and off we went. When we arrived at the hotel and waited to check in the time clicked thru the 6 1/2 mark. I was greatly distressed. We walked to our room that we had reserved months earlier to ensure a King sized bed and a view. You can pay extra for the guarentee and we did. I opened the curtains and there it was in all the glory you can only experience in Vegas. There in front of me were the largest air conditioning units I'd ever seen.
After returning from Las Vegas to San Jose, CA we flew our RV to Yellowstone and then on to the Black Hills of South Dakota. After completing our trip home Sher said to me, "We just flew ourselves home from South Dakota in less time than it took to fly on an airliner to Las Vegas." I smiled...
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Now a days, it seems that 6 hours of driving time is the magic mark for commercial. Drive time less, drive it. Drive time more, book it. How long would it have taken to drive it?
Now a days, it seems that 6 hours of driving time is the magic mark for commercial. Drive time less, drive it. Drive time more, book it. How long would it have taken to drive it?

10 hours to drive. We did it last year.
While we're addressing this..... many of you have flown from somewhere in the East to California and back, instead of taking the airlines?

My experience last December was all this and worse.....disgusting, but I decided that I'd brave it instead of flying my RV to the Bay area because of Wintertime bad weather.

I'm also curious how the overall expense compared to airlines.

...As one of our carry ons is going thru the scanner I watched a number of passengers that looked to me as if they should have been profiled and checked a little closer. Much to my surprise I was taken out of line and allowed to stand quietly while somebody pillaged my bag. After wrinkling my clothes I was allowed to put on my shoes and continue to the gate...

I have always wondered what it takes to get on "the list" for extra scrutiny. It seems that I get pulled aside every time I fly commercial. Is this because It makes me wonder if having my PPL, concealed carry permit, and that speeding ticket I picked up in a school zone 15 years ago triggered me for "the list".
Many Times many of you have flown from somewhere in the East to California and back, instead of taking the airlines?

My experience last December was all this and worse.....disgusting, but I decided that I'd brave it instead of flying my RV to the Bay area because of Wintertime bad weather.

I'm also curious how the overall expense compared to airlines.


Several years ago I used some excess United FF miles for a trip from Tulsa to Burbank but otherwise I always use my airplane. I must admit if it were for business I would go commercial. I have made a lot of short trips (Santa Ana to Lancaster, Santa Ana to Santa Barbara, and Santa Ana to San Jose) for business even though they were not allowed by my employer. I have no expense information.

Bob Axsom
How did you end up in this situation?

About two weeks ago Sher and I went to Las Vegas for her yearly tax seminar and training. Because she has to be there on time and because of the stress she feels worrying about the possibly not making it in time by flying ourselves she booked our flights on an airline as I sheepishly conceded....


I don't understand how you ended up in this situation. :confused: Southwest flies from San Jose to Vegas, doesn't it? Our default for situations like this one is to book tickets with Southwest. Then, more times than not, the weather is clearly RV-flyable so we jump in one of the RVs and cancel the SWA ticket. The great thing about Southwest is that they give you FULL credit (not a refund, though) and no charge on cancelled tickets. We apply the credit to the next trip that we book and, eventually, weather or other considerations force one or both of us into the aluminum mailing tube. This strategy has been working great for us.

I'm afraid I don't have a strategy for dodging a view of an air conditioning unit, though.:eek:


I'm also curious how the overall expense compared to airlines.



Atlanta to San Francisco for two on Delta buying super saver fare tickets well in advance.........$625.

Same round trip in the RV-8, fuel only......$840.

This trip was 12% longer than direct route. You'd have to add two nights in a Motel to that.

I recognize that air conditioner! It seems like every hotel I've stayed at has one view like it!! :mad: First time in Vegas we got caught in that 250 yard line waiting for a taxi. I've found that it's easier, quicker and simpler to just rent a cheap car and bipass the taxi line. One ride in a taxi will more than pay for a cheap rental. You have to get a prescreened card with the rental agency and then when you arrive at the rental place you can go directly up to the car area.
Louise is correct about Southwest. Once you figure out how they do things it works really well.
Thanks, Mannan...


Atlanta to San Francisco for two on Delta buying super saver fare tickets well in advance.........$625.

Same round trip in the RV-8, fuel only......$840.

This trip was 12% longer than direct route. You'd have to add two nights in a Motel to that. if motels are $100 a night, we have a cost of $1040 or thereabouts. If it's only me though, then costs are doubled but man, missing all those minimum wage TSA'ers sure would be nice.:)

Thanks Bryan for reminding me why I don't and won't travel commercial for anything but a death in the family. Even then, we have launched in the RV days in advance to be sure we got there. As far as I'm concerned, when we travel, the RV IS the destination. I'm so lucky that Tanya doesn't make me go through that kind of distress.
Thanks Bryan for reminding me why I don't and won't travel commercial for anything but a death in the family. Even then, we have launched in the RV days in advance to be sure we got there. As far as I'm concerned, when we travel, the RV IS the destination. I'm so lucky that Tanya doesn't make me go through that kind of distress.

In fairness Scott my wife didn't put me into that for no reason. She had to be in Vegas and we only had so much time. Any hickup could have created a real hardship for her. But, it still really stunk to have to go thru that!

And Louise, the reason I put myself in that situation is because I'm not a smart traveler when it comes to airlines. :eek: For two decades I worked for United and traveled for free basically. We never shopped or needed to learn how to travel intellegently. Now even though I still have passes for life we "HAD" to be there and purchased tickets. From now on we will be smarter about these kind of situations. Thank you for your input. If we are going to repeat this it will likely be Southwest.
Costs if motels are $100 a night, we have a cost of $1040 or thereabouts. If it's only me though, then costs are doubled but man, missing all those minimum wage TSA'ers sure would be nice.:)



True; For one person airline fare $300+ RT provided you can get that fare, vs. $1040 in the RV.

From where you live, you'd have to drive several hours to get to an airline connection (ie; Macon, Augusta, Savannah, Jax.) which would add considerably more cost to the airline fare. Besides that; Not having to remove your shoes........Priceless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cost to travel

I have a real life trip to compare to the airlines. We left on the Friday before Memorial Day in our RV7a for Nashua, NH from Granbury, Tx because there was a weather window for a good trip. We used 75 gal of fuel. Had headwinds for most of trip, I know it is not suppose to happen going east, but it did. For return trip, we left Nashua, NH Monday morning, again because of a weather window for a good trip, and made it home on Tuesday of this week. The trip home took 90 gal, even worst headwinds. At one point I climbed to 8500 because surely the winds were lower up hign and found 45 knots on the nose. Prices for fuel ranged from $3 in Mo to $4.30 in NH. It cost us $600 in fuel for the trip plus two nights in a motel at $80 per night. BUT Bonnie was able to give the grandaugters airplane rides in Nashua, priceless. The commercial flight would have been into Boston and required either a rental car or the kids driving down to pick us up. We all know how much fun flying commercially is. The RV flight was a hoot!!! Stopped at some new airports to check them out. Spent a night at Kentucky Dam State park airstrip and really enjoyed that stop. XM weather was essential to avoiding problems. Anyway I would do it again, and probably will in Oct.

The SPOT track below in my signature block still has part of the trip on it.
RV gets it done

I quit flying commercial in 2002 or thereabouts. Made it 5 years before circumstances forced me into another cattle car.

Right before I quit, I flew 11 consecutive legs with random "extra security". I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME. I figured it was because I was a pilot, but who knows.

Got tired of being the last one on the plane. No where to put my bag, etc.

And they were always so "nice" about it. Not even the courtesy of a bit of privacy. Being treated like a criminal for no reason at all. Galled me mightily.

I had to fly commercial, San Antonio to Seattle in early 2008. Guess what?
I got tapped for the "extra" security again.

I had planned to fly the RV7 but circumstances got in the way.

Sonya and I have flown many places in the 7. At 190+ mph you get there pretty darn fast. We made Hilton Head from San Antonio in a single day (two stops out).

Las Vegas is 6 hours with a stop in Las Cruces.

Just flew a loop from San Antonio, Covington LA, Hattiesburg MS, Tunica MS and home. All on a single 3 day weekend.


Atlanta to San Francisco for two on Delta buying super saver fare tickets well in advance.........$625.

Same round trip in the RV-8, fuel only......$840.

This trip was 12% longer than direct route. You'd have to add two nights in a Motel to that.

If you factor in the fun and the "on my time" of the RV and subtract the humiliation by the airlines......I'd say the extra 200.00 would be worth it.

Marshall Alexander
RV10 N781DM
Contrary opinion - kinda'

Getting on a commercial airliner last is a bad thing, certainly.
And surely, the occasional commercial traveller gets beat up in the system.

However, I fly commercially A LOT. The amount of imposition or or personal intrusion I experience is remarkably low. It is my opinion that in order to gain this, one must fly enough to become a preferred passenger and reap some of the privileges such as getting on the airplane first, no matter where you are sitting. About 1/2 my flights are on commuters. The other is on full size when I usually get 1st class for freebies (paid for by many nights away for home and the shop).

I see plenty of idiocy on both sides (TSA and passengers). Infrequent travellers get benefit of the doubt as far as unfamiliarity with the system. However, I see plenty of business travellers that are in horrible disarray at the security checkpoint. There is no reason for it, and I think THAT is rude. These guys KNOW the routine and still don't prepare their coat/carryon/computer/liquids/pocket stuff before getting to the x-ray.

SO, I do agree with many of the previous posts, but I did want to make the point that it is possible to travel happily in those big aluminum busses protected by the gestapo brain trust. :rolleyes:

Of course, GA flying is the ultimate in "preffered passengering"
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The following wasn't in an RV and thats only because I don't have one yet... The girlfriend and I took a trip to Vegas from Phoenix one time. We drove. 5.5-6 hrs easy. LONG wait at the Hoover Dam not to mention listening to her friend complain in the back seat about the length of the trip. We got there early afternoon and were wore out from the drive.
Did the trip again in a 172. 2.4 hrs later we were at HND, in our rental car, and on our way to lunch. The trip WAS more expensive but I have a funny personality when it comes to flight... It takes an act of congress to get me to buy a $15 CD or a pack of new socks...$680 for the round trip to Vegas in my own plane on my it in a heartbeat.
We also recently went to San Diego for the Red Bull Air Races and were gonna fly the same 172 but decided against it for marine layer reasons...SW got us there in a little over an hour(about 2.6 in the 172), through the marine layer, and to the beautiful 68 degree weather. It was 100+ in Phoenix, BTW. SW is a good airline and I prefer them to any other but certainly NOT to me having my hands on the stick.