
I am at KABI visiting and I put the RV in a hangar Monday night. Tornado watches/warnings, severe thunderstorms, and hail. Took it back out yesterday and there was a couple of large airliners there because DFW was closed. Looks good for a fight today though.
Not Texas, but we had serious weather over the weekend here in Georgia. The incident that got all of the attention was a tornado that went through downtown Atlanta on Friday night. Lots of damage in downtown Atlanta, some injuries, but no fatalities.

A more severe storm went through several counties in NW Georgia on Saturday with two fatalities. The F3 tornado crossed the south end of the runway at my home field (Cartersville). The south end is the only undeveloped portion of the field, and no damage was done. There are still trees down all around the airfield and there is quite a bit of debris (metal roofs, outbuildings, etc) that was blown inside the perimeter fence.
Lots of damage

....near us. An auto parts store in Wrens had the entire front wall depart and laid in the road in front. Across the street, dozens of pines snapped.

The worst damage was to a customer of mine who lost 75% of his pecan orchards. 40-50 year old trees uprooted and laid flat...awful to see. Another customer/Cirrus owner lost 50% of his orchards to the same storm.:mad:
