
Well Known Member
Stuck out here on the west coast having to access Oshkosh via internet... it sure seems like a quiet year. I thought Van's would at least release final specs for the RV-12. Or maybe a fastback-8? ;) Other than a couple of electronic product announcements... overall it seems a little dull from the cheap seats here. Maybe its the economy this year?

Oshkosh seems to be well attended this year. I don't know about the other vendors but Aircraft Spruce gave me a very good price on a Tru-Trak Digiflight IIG, Lowrance 600C and a Sennheiser headset. In addition to a very nice discount there was a $50 rebate on the Lowrance and an on the spot $75 rebate for the Sennheiser HMEC 460 headset.

I was all ready to buy either a Bose or Lightspeed Zulu headset for my wife; but, after she tried out all of the headsets in AS&S's headset trial area she chose the Sennheiser as the best feeling and sounding one.
EAA Attendance

Been at OSH since a week ago today, Thursday. I thought the attendance would be down because of the inflation but the camper section in Camp Scholler is about as full as I have ever seen it.

Airplane parking is also full up.

I understand over 400 RV's are here.

Lots of people.

Weather Gods have been very good to us. I beleive it has been the best weather since I have been coming here every year since 1994.

Sorry you missed it.
Been at OSH since a week ago today, Thursday. I thought the attendance would be down because of the inflation but the camper section in Camp Scholler is about as full as I have ever seen it.

Airplane parking is also full up.

I understand over 400 RV's are here.

Lots of people.

Weather Gods have been very good to us. I beleive it has been the best weather since I have been coming here every year since 1994.

Sorry you missed it.

All good news... nice to know that things haven't fallen off there at Osh. It just seems that the news-front... reporting the usual excitement about new aircraft kits, engines, etc. is especially quiet. DJ
your stay-home impression is quite right... compared to last year it's really quiet on the experimental scene. everybody is kind of doing their thing, with slow evolution and no announcements that were not really known beforehand. also, the place is packed and no sign of any downturn :)
the bear seems to be dancing more on the certified and lsa side of things :-(
lots of retrofit glass (aspen, bendix/king, avidyne, g600), high $$$ stuff (L3 smartdeck, g1000/g900x getting ever more pimped and expanded). lots of new LSA designs, most notably the flashy icon a5 amphib, whose marketing certainly did a good job. waiting to see wheter they're here to stay. also like the electraflyer. anachronistic that there's actually less talk about alternative engines, consumption and getting rid of lead in fuel than there was last year.

my personal highlight is getting lots of stuff for our plane ordered or picking it up. also love the QT Halo that i bought and was already able to try out during a ride with Mike Regen and his RV-7A. I would encourage anyone to try an in-ear headset if they haven't done so yet. Talking to vendors directly, meeting people, the daily airshow, just the general aviation vibe in the air is awesome. Awards for the steady advancement in rv building during the last year go to Stein for discovering the nice little pitot static fittings, Grove might have a winner with their nosewheel replacement and Cleaveland sure does with their Suregrip pedals. All come at somewhat of a cost but raise the quality bar.

van's scott risan presented a few numbers at tonight's banquet, do not nail me on them... kit starts in the last 12 months close to a 1000.
breakdown by model: 13 each for rv3 and rv4. almost 300 -7's. 150+ish for each -9, -10, -8 and -12 quite even.

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Good numbers of people. Well attended forums, Same old stuff, and lots of new gizmos and aircraft.

Watching the 100 year old 25HP Anzani 3 cylinder radial run was worth the trip. It uses caster oil for lubrication and spews the oil out as it uses it. Now I know why the old pilots wore goggle and scarves! This engine powered the first flight across the English channel which, at the time, was as celibrated an event as Lindburg's crossing the Atlantic. EAA is building a replica of the plane using this motor and will fly it in celibration of the 100 year anniversary of that event next year at OSH. Truly neat stuff.

Also, met of ton of VAF members by wearing my hat. What a strange thing to meet people that you have corresponded with, but never met in person. We are truly a great bunch of people with a passion for aviation.

All in all a good show. One that I would not miss for the world. Hopefully, I learned something, and made my own contribution to aviation. I like to try to give back alittle to OSH each time I come.
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Good numbers of people. Well attended forums, Same old stuff, and lots of new gizmos and aircraft.

Watching the 100 year old 25HP Anzani 3 cylinder radial run was worth the trip. It uses caster oil for lubrication and spews the oil out as it uses it. Now I know why the old pilots wore goggle and scarves! This engine powered the first flight across the English channel which, at the time, was as celibrated an event as Lindburg's crossing the Atlantic. EAA is building a replica of the plane using this motor and will fly it in celibration of the 100 year anniversary of that event next year at OSH. Truly neat stuff.

Also, met of ton of VAF members by wearing my hat. What a strange thing to meet people that you have corresponded with, but never met in person. We are truly a great bunch of people with a passion for aviation.

All in all a good show. One that I would not miss for the world. Hopefully, I learned something, and made my own contribution to aviation. I like to try to give back alittle to OSH each time I come.

You may or may not know there is an airworthy original 1909 Blerior IX with Anzani flying in England.At least it was flying when I was there awhile ago.
experimental carb coming - and cool gyro replacement

I was happy to learn today that Tempest plans to introduce an experimental-only version of their MA4-SP carb. It will be significantly less expensive. They are committed to the project, it's mostly done, and they expect to have details by the end of the year. Good for me - I need a carb!

I also liked the new electronic "digital horizon" from RC allen. It costs $1600 (experimental) but will go up to $1850 when they get their TSO (they will drop the experimental version). The price is the same for 3 1/8" or 2 1/2" size, works on any voltage 9-32, weighs 16 oz, and was very bright, clear, and responsive. I think this will be the end of mechanical gyros. As they fail, people will buy these, even in certified planes.

Going back tomorrow for the Lycoming disassembly/assembly seminars.

RC Allen

Where can I get some info on that RC Allen digital gyro? Can't find anything on the web...
OSH has changed. Anybody agree?

My first Osh was in 87 and I guess I'll never experience anything as great. :D Then the Experimentals were where they are now but back then that was show center right near the famous original EAA arch you had to walk through to get to the flight line and only if you were a EAA member or pilot. :cool: Today show center is on Aeroshell Square and the Experimentals are in pretty much a back stage location. :( It seemed like you saw Paul Poberezny everywhere riding in his red #1 modified VW bug shaking hands and meeting the members. :) I haven't seen Tom in years unless I go somewhere I know he is appearing. I think EAA has shifted to where the big money is. I guess they have to to grow and fill a void for production planes that needed filling. They should change the meaning of EAA to the Expensive Aircraft Association. :rolleyes: It's extremely easy today to get caught up in the excitement and build a panel for a VFR only airplane that costs more than the plane itself. :eek: Back in a 87 a guy insisted I sit in his plane out on the flight line. Nice Blue one. That was Van standing all by himself trying to sell kits. Didn't even know who he was but I ended up buying one of his kits. ;)Even got to shake hands with two young guys named Alan & Dale Klapmeier who had a really cool pusher kit called a cirrus they were trying to sell. They had a bigger tent this year.
Well I did find some deals this year. One from Aircraft Spruce when I finally got close enough to there counter through the crowds.
I guess a eye opener for me this year was in the Fly Market. It used to be fun to poke around over there. You could find darn near anything for a project.;) This year there were a lot of empty spaces and few vendors selling actual aircraft hardware. I even had a cute young girl accost me in one of the aisles trying to get me to come into her tent to see her make a salad with some kind of contraption she was selling. :confused: Airventure is hot, expensive, crowded and sometimes very muddy but dam I can't wait till next year.:D
Alternate power source

I was happy to learn today that Tempest plans to introduce an experimental-only version of their MA4-SP carb. It will be significantly less expensive. They are committed to the project, it's mostly done, and they expect to have details by the end of the year. Good for me - I need a carb!

I also liked the new electronic "digital horizon" from RC allen. It costs $1600 (experimental) but will go up to $1850 when they get their TSO (they will drop the experimental version). The price is the same for 3 1/8" or 2 1/2" size, works on any voltage 9-32, weighs 16 oz, and was very bright, clear, and responsive. I think this will be the end of mechanical gyros. As they fail, people will buy these, even in certified planes.

Going back tomorrow for the Lycoming disassembly/assembly seminars.


Did they say if it had a built in back-up battery?
Where can I get some info on that RC Allen digital gyro? Can't find anything on the web...
I have a little handout, it says:
NEW for 2008!
RCA 2600 Series Digital Horizon
The new RCO 2600 EFIS Attitude Indicator is designed as a direct replacement for any 3 1/8" Electric Attittude Indicator. This ultra lightweight unit is perfect for Light Sport and Home-Built applications
  • 360 Degrees of Pitch and Roll
  • Mult-Volt Operation (9-32 Volts)
  • Filts any Standard 3 1/8" Cutout
  • Bright, Highly Visible LCD Display
  • Totally Digital - No Moving Parts
  • 3 inch and 2 inch model available
  • Lightweight (~16 oz)

On the back of the card is a have a small separate battery pack they call ESP (Emergency Sandby Power). It gives 1 hour of operation, mounts behind the panel (maybe cigaratte box sized or a bit bigger)

The card says:
Both the ESP Battery Backup and RCA 2600 Horizon will be available this summer as FAA uncertified - TSO is pending.

Call Kelly Mfg. Co. for More Information

Hope this helps!
What is new at Osh?

Talking to fellow builders was truly the highlight. The camaraderie seen hear was evident there - whether a builder by his RV answering my questions or sitting around with others at Camp Scholler. Even some Legacy builders kindly shared their ideas.
This is my fourth year going, second as a builder, and it seems the place is becoming very commercialized. Why does a car manufacturer have a sizeable chunk of prime territory off Aeroshell square? Why not an exhibit on all the types of homebuilts out there (yeah, no money)? There is very little to do with why EAA is there down the main drag and square.
I'm about done with the airshow too - listening to the incessant sponsorship advertising by the announcers was nauseous. The Chevron T-34 display had Chevron mentioned over 12 times in the few minute act. The antidote was talking to a stranger next to me about what it is like to spend 15 years restoring a Stearman and flying low enough to smell new cut hay.
Painful also is the loud sappy music drowning out the enjoyment of hearing the aircraft - am I in the minority in loving to hear full throttled radials and Merlins blazing by without the fluff??
Other changes - nice new tower - a seige proof fortress now, with sinister spiked fencing keeping the public far away from the base. I've seen prison towers more aesthetically pleasing.
But, I will still make the trek next year and beyond because of all you kind builders out there who share beers, answer questions, and show off your beautiful machines that is closer to the mission of what EAA stands (stood?) for.
Also, I will go to see the Warbirds before their numbers dwindle to nothing due to accidents, maintenance and fuel costs, and less youthful involvement to carry the torch. What a joy yesterday being blasted in close proximity by a 14 foot prop driven by a 3000 hp engine - where else can you have this proximity to historical machines that have taken sometimes millions to restore? I fear the day when EAA will stop this closeness to a live machine for liability reasons.
Thanks to the many folks from this group who carry the spirit as seen on this forum.
I'm about done with the airshow too - listening to the incessant sponsorship advertising by the announcers was nauseous. The Chevron T-34 display had Chevron mentioned over 12 times in the few minute act. The antidote was talking to a stranger next to me about what it is like to spend 15 years restoring a Stearman and flying low enough to smell new cut hay.
Painful also is the loud sappy music drowning out the enjoyment of hearing the aircraft - am I in the minority in loving to hear full throttled radials and Merlins blazing by without the fluff?? .

Agreed. At both SnF and Osh, I use the airshow window to visit the booths and all the displays away from the airshow line. I've seen a thousand loud, virtually indistinguishable extreme acro acts and would be very happy to see those go away. Also, it would be great to have one day during the airshow where they don't use the PA system or the aircraft smoke systems. I'd rather just watch and listen to the aircraft than have someone do a play-by-play of whatever Sean Tucker is doing...

BUT, I'm going for the fly-in, not the airshow. All the townies at Oshkosh (from Milwaulkee, Chicago, etc) are coming up for the airshow. They want noise, loud music, smoke, and the excitement of Sean Tucker doing a 17 turn inverted spin with a recovery at 15' AGL. We need those people to help fund the shows and to (hopefully) be friends of aviation.
It seemed like you saw Paul Poberezny everywhere riding in his red #1 modified VW bug shaking hands and meeting the members. :) I haven't seen Tom in years unless I go somewhere I know he is appearing.

So there we are, walking along the flight line, and a golf cart comes to a screaching halt right next to us. This elderly gentleman gets out and starts picking up a VERY SMALL couple of pieces of trash...the kind of loose paper left over after the truck empties the dumpster.

He stands up to drop it in the dumpster and Brad Oliver and I see an EAA shirt with Paul P.'s name embroidered on it. Both our jaws hit the ground! Here's the "Pope" picking up garbage! Unbelievable pride in his "baby", and truly a down to earth guy.

It was my first trip since '85, so I certainly agree with your assessment, but Paul, it appears, is still the same guy I'm sure he's always been.

Brad will likely post the pic of him and Paul in front of the "Pope Mobile":)

Yup, amazing

Joe pretty much said it all... I was amazed with the pride he took and the humility he displayed.
