
Well Known Member
It has been disappointingly quiet on the Van's front. Obviously there hasn't been the announcement for the often requested RV-8 Fastback. And on a more personal note/request... No update whatsoever on the RV-12. A lot of us were hoping for some sort of updated info, photos, video... etc. I can't find a single first hand report from either Wednesday or Thursday's forum with the man. :confused: What was talked about?? (Thursday was supposed to address the RV-12 specifically I believe). It'd sure be nice to hear from anyone that was fortunate enough to make it this year! :D

Thanks y'all!

I didn't go but I talked to Rob Riggen who went and he's going to write something up for the Hotline. My camping mate, Warren Starkebaum, went and said there was nothing new. The nose gear question came up and Van basically said "some of you are not going to like my answer," and then he gave pretty much the stuff we've heard before.

First time in 8 years of coming here that I didn't go anywhere near the Van's tent. Of course, the first year since I've been coming here I didn't spend much money.

I bought an Air Gizmo panel dock for my Garmin portable, contributed twenty bucks to a woman who started a foundation in honor of her father that gives scholarships to people who want to learn to fly, grabbed my Aeroshell "Amoolia" poster, and headed out of Dodge.

I only got to the one forum on surviving off field landings, though I would have liked to have gone to today's "ten mistakes pilots make" that a bunch of controllers held. Also wanted to go to the fiberglass class but it wasn't meant to be. I just like visiting with people too much.

Maybe it should last two weeks. :D

Thanks Bob.

Anybody else?? No update on the -12? No thoughts from Van on his involvement in the whole 51% debate? No insight on any future product development?
Phyrcooler said:
Thanks Bob.

Anybody else?? No update on the -12? No thoughts from Van on his involvement in the whole 51% debate? No insight on any future product development?

I went to the RV general forum and about half of the 12 forum (I am not interested in LSA).

I would say they are so busy supplying kits to existing custormers, future product developement may be way on the back burner. Why drag out another product with so much interest in what is available now.

The 51% rule came up only in context with airplanes being built by persons for hire. Van's really has no control over who builds their airplanes. I don't think it is an issue for them.

I learned the 12 is totally different as it has no common parts with other RV models. That may result in a slightly higher price than some would hope for. It seems many LSA's are quite expensive anyhow, like pushing a 100 grand, so I wonder what affect LSA will have on general aviation.

The best selling RV is the 7A and the 9A is gaining.

My 7A performed well coming and going. It got me there without a hitch, sat for 6 days, started right up for departure. What else can one ask for? :)
My camping mate went to the forum on the 51% rule and said one of the panelists suggested the two weeks to taxi stuff probably won't survive. any body else hear that?
Bob Collins said:
My camping mate went to the forum on the 51% rule and said one of the panelists suggested the two weeks to taxi stuff probably won't survive. any body else hear that?

The two weeks to taxi program has the FAA attention. They did mention it at the DAR Recurrent seminar. I do not think any of the DARs in the class that I was in would sign off on any aircraft that comes out of the "Two Weeks to Taxi" program. I expect that the FAA will eventually require that an FAA Inspector do all the inspections and if not found acceptable, a DENIAL letter will be issued instead of a Special Airworthiness Certificate (8130-7) and Operating Limitations. These aircraft could end up only being able to be licensed and flown as EXPERIMENTAL EXHIBITION. MUCH more restrictive than Amateur Built.

All builders must be listed on the 8130-12 and the builders CANNOT be paid helpers.

Look for revised regulations in the fall or early next year that spell out exactly how much (% of work) you can PAY someone to do for you.

I went to the banquet and heard what they said about the 12, 51% committee which Van co-chairs and much more.

May not have been a lot to some, but it answered those questions pretty well in my humble opinion.

Paul Rosales even spoke of his over 9000 landings in his 6A without incident and on every surface in 49 states and 5 foreign countries including sand, rocks, grass, etc.

The Manager of the plant in the Phillipines that builds the QB's spoke on why there (mainly ex-AF A&P types left behind when we left the PI) and how it works, and how much Van gives back to them over there. Schools, ballfields,etc. It isn't real expensive over there but a little goes a long way.I sat behind Van, in the back of the tent and when that guy mentioned it I got the impression that Van wished he hadn't mentioned it.

Guys, Vans are the first to admit they are Engineers, great at design, not so hot at marketing.

Van's is VERY concerned with the 51% rule. He even commented that something will happen on the rule and it will probably happen very soon and if you knew someone doing this they should be "careful they don't end up with a $100,000 paperweight."

My point is, I rarely write in compared to some of the "experts" on this site but if you weren't at the banquet, let alone the show, you might want to ask someone who was. I was. If anyone else that was also at the dinner wants to chime in please do.
Wed RV Forum

I *almost* thought I heard a hint about a kit that would fill the unlimited category aerobatic niche (ie, Extra 300). Did anyone else hear that or was I just experiencing heat stroke? :D

It was during the discussion of why they wouldn't be doing a pre-punched 3 :(
Jim, you pretty much nailed it for what Van had to say about the 51% at the banquet.

I do recall him saying that if you knew someone having an experimental built for them, they'd better have it finished & flying "very soon" to avoid having the $250k paperweight.

The impression was that FAA action *IS* coming. How soon, and how far it goes remain to be seen.