
Well Known Member
So after trying to do the RV-8 Horizontal Stabilizer SB, and failing, I had to rebuild a new stabilizer. I just finished.

Before I throw the old one away, I thought I would ask: Is there any reason to keep or do something with the old one?

I have no desire to keep it as "art". I thought I could maybe cut up the skins for scrap aluminum, but I'm not sure that would be worth the effort, and they also are not flat, plus I have enough scrap to finish up, and don't really need more.

So, any ideas before it goes down to the recycling center?
When you decide what to do, let me know, as I have two unusable horizontal stabs :rolleyes:

I keep them in the corner as a reminder to take my time and check before I drill. Eventually I think they will form a coffee table or similar.

Art smart - make a desk out of it....that can at least be used!!!! ;^)
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Keep it - you'll end up using various parts for scrap metal to (re)build other parts before the plane is done.
Holy smokes what a cool desk Doug just posted!!! Also, I agree, keep it for the scrap, that 0.032 will come in handy for sure.
Bar counter

Desk is cool but I?d go for bar counter personally :D

But either way Doug has a great idea. Even if you don?t desire an item of furniture yourself the company that makes this stuff might well want to buy your HS.
What part of the HS stabilizer is 'failed', making it all unusable?

Please PM me if you wish not to answer out in the open.... But that is a good sized assembly to get to the end and think 'Eh, that won't fly'. 90% of the time what I thought was a horrible 'throw it away' mistake turned out to be just a minor fix from Vans. Makes me paranoid all my flying parts I spend months on are trash and I don't know it.

EDIT: I just saw it was during the SB this did not work...... Inquiring mind still would like to learn if you can PM me. Thanks.....
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donate it to businesses

I agree with others, keep it for scraps until you're finished with the build.

Autograph then donate it to a business (restaurants, etc.). You'll have a permanent public wall art. Think of Wing Stop, or any business associated with aviation or the airport.

That's a nice desk Doug..
I finished my plane 25 years ago and I still find uses for my box of parts.

BTW, when I finished my plane I had an extra aileron and rudder. Welcome to the island of misfit toys.
What part of the HS stabilizer is 'failed', making it all unusable?

Please PM me if you wish not to answer out in the open.... But that is a good sized assembly to get to the end and think 'Eh, that won't fly'. 90% of the time what I thought was a horrible 'throw it away' mistake turned out to be just a minor fix from Vans. Makes me paranoid all my flying parts I spend months on are trash and I don't know it.

EDIT: I just saw it was during the SB this did not work...... Inquiring mind still would like to learn if you can PM me. Thanks.....

No problem doing it out here in the open. The only problem is the holes near the center that secure it to the fuselage. Direct from Vans, they said build another. Also, I had used some Super-Fil on the skin rivets, based on having seen a finished plane done that way. It looks great after paint, but ugly as sin until then.
FWIW I also tried to repair a HS that had the attach hole mis-drilled in the process of mating it to the fuse. I thought I would do the SB at the same time. Not exactly an easy SB to accomplish. No wonder they warn not to do it as a preventative measure on a flying plane. At the end of the day I wasn't happy with how it turned out and just went with a new HS.
Mount it over the entrance door of your hangar/shop. You will be the envy of your airplane buddies. Best airport awning!!!!
Painting practice! Nail down the details on that fancy paint job . I have a vertical stab that is my practice piece.
So after trying to do the RV-8 Horizontal Stabilizer SB, and failing, I had to rebuild a new stabilizer.

Bummer! Assuming this is the Spar web crack SB....
For those considering the SB, inspection is also a path to meet the SB. I wouldn?t do the SB unless I had reason to. I know folks are trying to stay ahead of the game and do not want to deal with it on a finished airplane, but I would do the inspection, and if cracks ever develop, build a new one and swap out the old. It?s my opinion that most will never have to be done, and if it needs it, many will build another one anyway as it isn?t easy unless your an experienced builder.
Two cents from a guy who is on the inspection program and so far, so good.
I'm a little South down in San Diego but would love it for wall art for the shop if you decide to get rid of it. I could pick it up anytime.
Already promised

I'm a little South down in San Diego but would love it for wall art for the shop if you decide to get rid of it. I could pick it up anytime.

I already promised it to someone in Carlsbad. If that falls through, your #2.